Duality Tapping: What Part of You Resists Abundance? - Tap Into Abundance Class #5


Duality Tapping: What Part of You Resists Abundance? - Tap Into Abundance Class #5


Duality Tapping! This is one of the best processes to get to why we don’t have something we really want! Many of us feel stuck, unable to reach our full potential in areas like financial success or personal relationships. Despite setting goals, an unspoken resistance holds us back.

The problem comes from our conflicting desire, often hidden below the surface. On one hand, we yearn for things; but on the other, fears and limiting beliefs create doubts, blocking our path to abundance.

In this class, we use the Duality Tapping technique by Linda Wood. This powerful technique helps resolve your inner conflict by delving deep into your desired outcomes and their opposing fears. Through tapping on specific points on the body, it can release hidden resistances and achieve abundance.

This is the fifth in a series of 12 classes on using EFT tapping to transform our Abundance. Each class will use a different and unique tapping technique, so by the end of the course, you will have a robust tapping tool belt AND a changed abundance mindset!

A little bit about EFT:

EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Techniques, and it is sometimes also called Meridian Tapping. It is a simple-to-learn, powerful technique where you tap on meridian points of the face and body while focusing on something that bothers you. This clears the energy system of the block, and often the troubling issue will no longer have an emotional charge.

Tapping the energy meridians sends a calming signal to the amygdala (the part of our brain responsible for our fight or flight response). EFT is a way of hacking into the limbic system, the non-verbal part of the brain that controls stress and fight or flight. This works to clear the "short-circuit" from your body's bio-energy system, thus restoring your mind and body's balance, which is essential for optimal health and the healing of physical disease. We will be repatterning our Abundance programs and coding.

If you are brand new to EFT, here’s a YouTube Video on How To Tap: https://youtu.be/X0OasMfR9a0

And here’s a video on how EFT came about and how it works: https://youtu.be/Jdhx60LZZYc

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What Can You Learn From This Class?

Learn how to identify and resolve the inner conflicts that prevent you from achieving abundance in various areas of your life. Through delving deep into the desired outcome, underlying resistances or lack of belief rise to the surface. This class guides you in tapping on specific body points to release these hidden resistances, helping you break free from the blocks that prevent you from achieving abundance.

When Would You Need This?

If you feel stuck, unable to move forward, or notice that your desires are met with doubts and fears, especially where part of you wants to succeed, but another part is fearful of the changes that success might bring. This class heps you overcome these resistances and reach your full potential.

Tapping Brings Real, Tangible, Practical Results

Oh I really must tell you that I filled out those duality tapping forms, and followed the instructions. I did it twice before I left. I think it really made a difference. As I was doing it, I realized that if I did not rise to the challenge of my own growth, I would really be in a sorry state. Better to take a chance (fake it til you make it) and at least I could still feel good about myself. As it was, I was in a much better place than I even realized. So.. “thumbs up” for duality tapping.
— D.K.
What a wonderful tapping session last night, Robin. I cannot even describe how much lighter and happier I feel this morning after a really good night’s sleep. The feeling that “all will be well” is so strong for me today.
— C.F.
I felt better last evening than I have in a long time. I woke up this morning less panicky knowing that I have tools. I did 30+ minutes of tapping, and I’m better prepared to face the day today than yesterday. We have family coming to “throw me a birthday fete”, and I feel like I could have energy to handle it.
— B.C.
From my work with you, I’ve started tapping. It seems like I’m tapping everyday and noticing immediate shifts in my mental state. I even gain new insights. I’m so grateful to have this tool to support me, especially on challenging days. It’s quick, I speak into the positive and energy moves. Thank you!
— S.A.
I have really enjoyed implementing the EFT combined with the Emotion Code. Sometimes instead of swiping I do tapping and this is powerful. Thank you again!
— A.
Tapping makes me feel more calm and centered.
— J.