Power of Blessing Program: Raise Your Vibration No Matter What's Happening in Life
Power of Blessing Program: Raise Your Vibration No Matter What's Happening in Life
The simplest Energy Tool for when you have no time to do energy work, or when life is so hard you fear being overwhelmed to ‘go under’.
How can you stay afloat in a sea of negativity, grief, or problems? You bless, and you harness the power of the mind, the heart, and the subconscious to keep the positivity going, Research shows that we have over 60,000 thoughts per day and 90% (!) of these are repetitive.
Raise your vibrations with blessings to experience more joy, bliss, fulfillment, and satisfaction in your life.
When life gets tough, what can we do to feel better instantly?
We are pure energy, so every thought, emotion, feeling, and belief we have, is made up of a frequency and energy vibration. When we are stressed, sad, angry, feeling guilt or shame, our vibration is low. On the other hand, when our energy frequency is vibrating with feelings of gratitude, love, and joy, we feel a joyful “high.”
How can you stay afloat in a sea of negativity, grief, or problems?
We have all gone through various experiences in our life. Difficult relationships, health concerns, career stress, financial strain. Some of these experiences stay with us. A famous scientist once said; if you want to understand the universe you have to think in frequency and vibrations.
All we have to do is raise our vibrations to feel better. The Transformative Power of Blessing program will show you how. It’s easy, quick, and powerful.
The Transformative Power of Blessing course shows you how.
Purchase the four-week course and you will receive the simplest energy tool to use whenever you are limited with time, when life feels hard, or if you ever feel like you are “drowning.” The teachings in this course will help you lift your vibration and keep it up.
It is quick, simple, easy to use, and very powerful.
When life is challenging, you only need to use the simple power of blessing to feel better and uplift those around you. We can easily and quickly increase our vibrations with the power of blessing which harnesses the power of the mind, the heart, and the subconscious. Research shows that we have over 60,000 thoughts per day and 90% (!) of these are repetitive.
What’s included in the program?
Daily Emails - 5 Days On, 2 Days Off
You will receive quick-read daily emails with goodies, so your mind picks up the habit of using the blessing tools automatically.
Printable Blessing Cards for Your Pocket
You will receive printable pocket-sized reminder blessing cards, so you remember to use the tools throughout your day.
Remote Blessing for Family, Child, or Pet
You will receive a mini remote blessing for a family member, child, or pet. When you purchase, you will receive the details.
Blessings with Your Mind
In the first week of the program, we will be sending energy from our minds and learning how to use this for daily transformation.
Blessings with Your Heart
In the second week of the program, we will be sending energy with our hearts. Adding the heart with the mind, creates magic in our lives.
Blessings with Your Hands
In the third week of the program, we will be sending energy with our hands. Adding our hands to the heart and our mind, truly lifts our vibration.
Blessings from Colors
In the fourth week of the program, we will be consciously harnessing the energy of colors. This is a really fun experience.
This home-study program will help your raise your vibration and will help you to retrain your thoughts so that your mind, heart, and energy will be on autopilot to radiate positivity, love, and upliftment. When life is challenging, use the simple power of blessing to feel better, and uplift those around you as well! Here is a short behind-the-scenes look at the 4-week program.
When life is challenging, use the simple power of blessing to feel better, and uplift those around you as well! This video takes a look at the 4-week program in depth. The Transformative Power of Blessing is your answer to feeling lighter, happier, and more joyful.
Program Testimonials - Here’s what others have shared:
I've Been Blessing Up a Storm!
“Thanks for the reminder to bless. I've been blessing up a storm, thank you, thank you.” ~ M.W.
It Felt Good!
"On day one, I ran into a practical hassle. I had an appointment to have someone come to my house to fix something and the rest of the day was carefully timed around that appointment. It turned out the repairman had a flat tire and needed to change the appointment time. Although I was unhappy about it, I also remembered the “may you be happy “blessing and thought about what his day must be like. I expressed sympathy and the hope that the rest of his day would go better and I could hear the appreciation in his voice. It felt good!" - Nessa E., Portland
It Helps Me Say, “May You Be Happy” As Much As Possible Unconditionally
"Whenever I think about someone for more than a few seconds, I say “may you be happy” to them mentally regardless if the thought is pleasant or unpleasant. It helps me say “may you be happy” as much as possible unconditionally.” - Cesar, New Jersey
I Have Felt More Peace and Relief
"I have been doing the mantra throughout the day, with my daughter, son-in-law, and grandson and with the neighbors in their neighborhood. I have felt more peace and relief from worry and doubt.” - Susan, Washington DC
That Felt Really Good
Today I was wishing every house I passed, "May you be happy" and it kind of naturally changed into, "May you be filled with happiness." That felt really good. Then I used that on each car that passed by me as well.” - R.P.
Dog Testimonial From a Mini Remote Session
Before: Holden, a 5-year-old dog with pain in the right hind leg and spine resulting in a reluctance to stand or walk. He ruptured a disk in October 2020 and needed emergency surgery. He was diagnosed with IVDD and he's had several flareups requiring crate rest and pain meds/anti-inflammatories. Vets aren't finding obvious explanations other than IVDD history.
After: Thank you SO much for this mini session on Holden. Holden is doing MUCH better -- he is walking and moving with comfort, and showing his happy, playful self. We've tapered him off one medicine and he's gradually tapering off the other. Your findings from the session are very interesting. I didn't know animals carried shame, but then why couldn't they? The loss at <1 year old may be his mom and littermates. His 4 brothers were adopted into new homes when they were ~10 weeks old, and his mom was adopted a few months later. I never thought that could affect him still. Wow! - Patricia
Ahhhhh, That Feels So Good!
I say the mantras whenever I can manage to remember -driving seems big. By day three I was saying all three during the day, feeling uplifted, and added another that's powerful for me - "May you live in the magic" - ahhhhh that feels so good! Thank you Robin for being such an inspiration. - Ronnie Ann Ryan Love & Cosmic Coach
I Blessed Myself to Be Happy
I am under a lot of emotional and financial stress about being on unpaid absence from my job due to the vaccine mandates. When I blessed myself to be happy--and kept repeating that-- my body relaxed when I showed compassion for myself for my struggles.” - S. Brooklyn