The Abundance Wall: Clear Invisible & Energetic Barriers - Energy Clearing Circle #47
The Abundance Wall: Clear Invisible & Energetic Barriers - Energy Clearing Circle #47
Just as a Heart-Wall can surround our heart and keep us from true love and getting our heart’s desires, the Abundance Wall is the energetic barrier that keeps us from getting the abundance we desire. These energies are very real and practical. Just as the subconscious remembers everything we have done in the past, our energy body stores our experience of lack, failure, struggle, and feeling there’s not enough. These vibrations, along with inherited family patterns and trauma, act as a force field which are naturally repellent to the vibration of ease, flow and prosperity.
Unlock the flow of abundance in your life with Clearing the Abundance Wall. This transformative class dives deep into the subconscious blocks that limit our access to wealth, health, love, time, and other manifestations of true abundance. Based on the idea of "abundance wall," we’ll clear hidden energetic blocks created by past experiences, inherited family beliefs about money, societal norms, and ancestral traumas. These subconscious blocks limit our ability to fully open to prosperity and fulfillment.
This class is not only for those seeking financial growth but for anyone wishing to experience a richer, fuller life in all ways. Embrace this journey and break free from limitations, unlocking a future of endless possibilities!
What Can You Learn From This Class?
Learn how to release subconscious blocks that limit your access to wealth, health, love, time, and other forms of abundance through powerful energy clearing techniques. This class explains the “abundance wall” as a barrier created by past experiences, inherited beliefs, societal expectations, and ancestral traumas. Clearing these blocks opens up to a more fulfilling and abundant life!
When Would You Need This?
If you feel stuck in achieving abundance in areas like finances, relationships, or personal well-being. If you experience repeated struggles, or a sense of lack despite your efforts, or if you feel burdened by inherited beliefs and past experiences, this class can help you clear these hidden barriers holding you back, leading to a more prosperous life!
What Clearings Are Included?
Members requested these clearings:
I am retired and fear I will become financially dependent on my family
For self hesitant to accept success and the responsibility with it
My guilt for not fully healing myself in all ways
Clear any blocks to having magical and wonderful music producers for my project
I have pain in my hands
I have trouble getting started with my projects and stepping into my creative energy
For my mother - healing from cancer
Procrastinating on projects I need to handle
It seems that financial abundance is something that is in the future so it never is in the present
My daughter is persevering but finding it difficult to manage multiple deadlines
I feel overwhelmed by easy tasks and am unable to complete them
I am struggling to continue a very important long-term project
and more!
Energy Clearing Brings Real, Tangible, Practical Results
“It was a gray concrete wall About 3” x 4” right in front of my heart - like a mini sized wall. During the clearing it turned into a billowing curtain on a rod. When I saw the rod I reached up and took it down and rolled the curtain up around the rod. I then stepped over the rolled up rod and was standing high up on a rock overlooking the sea. And there was a beautiful breeze coming off the water. It was a fun experience!”
“My abundance wall was an old stone wall (like an old castle). It was made of stones laid in mortar and as high as my head. It also had a little peep hole in it, so it was like I was hiding from the world/protected from it and could see out. It was carefully built stone by stone over generations by my ancestors; based on their experiences to help keep me safe. After the clearing, it was taken apart stone by stone by the ancestors (they were helping) and set aside to build something else - for me or someone else? (we have to reuse these!) And then all that was left was the mortar in a pile, which was washed away by a strong flowing river. (the river of life/abundance). I feel so much lighter and happier.”
“It was a grey concrete wall. I saw a bright light dissipate the wall fully!”
“I sensed it in my chest area. It was blown up, full of air, like a heavy cloud, although light, making breathing kind of difficult. After the clearing, the cloud cleared and i felt pockets of love, warm ones all around my heart. It felt very positive, with high and uplifting vibration! The exercise was very powerful and stimulating in energy!”
“I didn’t really see a wall. When I look out from my heart, it’s like looking out from a little cave. The cave is my safe place so it is all good. When I look out it is like a valley of hills and meadows and lots of greenery and flowers, a blue sky and mountains far out in the distance.
When I imagined a wall, it was just a fence that you could climb on or lean over. Like a split-log fence. After the clearing it just faded and fell away. I am learning that things are out there waiting for me - I just have to know how to go about getting them. Part of that is coming out of my personal shell and doing what I want and not what others want or think I would be good at. I just have to find what it is I want to do.”
“The wall was around my whole heart, but there was only debris on some places. It was a snow white wall made of some thin bricks. I was guided to invite my ancestors and one of them helped me to disassemble the wall and wrapped it into a blanket and we buried it into an open grave and lightened a big candle to honor the wall.”
“My abundance wall was a thick glass wall. It was like I could see (not that I actually saw anything, more like a strong feeling) my Abundance, however without actually getting to it. (Exactly like I feel at the moment (and have been for a while), that my Abundance is just in front of me, and so, so close, but not yet physically manifested.) Then, when I cleared it, the wall kind of melted in front of me like ice melting in the sun.”
“I saw a heavy thick glass wall from ground to ceiling, it looked pretty but no light came through. After the clearing, it appeared less dense and I could see right through it, light came streaming through. This exercise was amazing, I find that I can visualize more easily since I am in this class.”
“Brick wall, covered with lots and lots of ivy for extra protection. When I started talking to my abundant wall, I naturally felt like putting my hands onto my heart, I felt so much warmth and gratitude towards my abundant wall and all the super power I have now that it almost brought tears into my eyes. As I talked to my abundance wall, she slowly started to shrink and gradually started to change into the soil. My abundance wall suggested that it would be a great idea for ivy to stay in the forest and she can be the soil for them and we can celebrate my super power together in the nature with lots of butterflies, and she opened up the path that goes forever and it was bright with light.”