Physical Trauma Energy Release: For Health and Happiness - Energy Clearing Circle #14
Physical Trauma Energy Release: For Health and Happiness - Energy Clearing Circle #14
This is one of the most impactful energy clearings that I have seen in personal sessions. When physical trauma energy clears, things sometimes change almost instantly. Babies who haven’t slept through the night now can, pets run and play after surgery, chronic nosebleeds just stop - physical changes take place. One of my favorite processes!
Physical Trauma Energy occurs when the body undergoes extreme or sudden physical stress. It can be caused by an accident, fall, surgery, or even birth. It can also be from emotional trauma or prolonged periods of stress. The energy body retains a “residue” from these past physical or emotional stresses, and just like an intricate Swiss watch, all our parts can be gunked up by trauma and impede our smooth functioning.
In this class, you will learn what Physical Trauma Energy is, how to see how much you have, and how to release and let go of it. I was inspired with a process of how to literally replace that trauma energy “space” with the energy of what you want - such as good health, vitality, love, joy, peace, or confidence. When we instill these energies, we make this our new harmonious vibrational home, then life just seems to function better.
What Can You Learn From This Class?
Learn about physical trauma energy, what causes it, how to know how much you have, and how to release it from your body. You will learn how to replace that with the energy of what you want - such as good health, vitality, love, joy, peace, or confidence.
When Would You Need This?
If you have any health issues that haven’t gotten better, or you just find it hard to move on emotionally after a challenging time. Physical trauma energy can stay after an accident, a fall, being punched, or any experience of extreme and prolonged stress.
What Other Clearings Are Included?
Members requested clearings for:
Experiencing pain in the knee and hips
Physical and mental trauma of a daughter that was sexually assaulted
Being unable to sleep through the night
Feeling blocked from consistently higher numbers of sessions per week/month
Having Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Being in a car accident
Craving sweets after a meal, mostly at dinner
Forgiving parents for all the yelling from arguments heard when he was little
Holding grudges for everyone (dead or alive)
Experiencing chronic pain
and more!
Energy Clearing Brings Real, Tangible, Practical Results
“My grandson is 16 months old and he’s never in his life slept throughout the night. He kept waking up crying for no apparent reason, often staying up for 3-4 hours before he tired and fell asleep again in his mummy’s arms. After one session with Robin, wow! he slept the last two nights much better! Just woke up couple of times for his milk and then fell asleep straight away! I am so grateful, I have no words for it. All the week he was with me, he slept ALL THOSE NIGHTS THROUGH WITHOUT ANY SINGLE CRYING! I am over the moon Robin! It seems he’s got finally very healthy sleep, without whatever it was troubling him, bless him! Awesome, awesome, awesome result! As I said before, i cannot thank you enough for helping him with his struggle. And not only him but all his family as well!”
“Just wanted to give you an update on Ted since you did energy work with him. Ted had spinal surgery a year and a half ago and didn’t walk for five months. He has been doing great, walking again, playing, and enjoying the yard. But he would not chase a ball like he used to love to do and bring it back to me. Two days after your session with Ted he has begun to chase a ball, race back to me to throw it again. That is a first since his surgery and it’s because of the work you did with Ted. Also, he has more energy, he has a bounce again in his walk, and we can see his confidence has gone way up too! So appreciative! Thanks!”
“I can’t thank you enough for your help!! I feel so much lighter, at peace, relieved, calm inside. Yesterday I was exhausted, but after the session, my chest felt lighter, as if I had more room to breathe, more space, and although I slept just about 4 hours, I am not feeling tired as usual as if my body would weigh a ton and I have to push myself and struggle to go through the day. I don’t feel the hurt and the pain I got so used to! You gave me a second chance at life! I can’t wait for the next session! Thank you so much!!”
“The trauma clearing exercise was brilliant! Even my head feels clearer! Thank you SO much! I used it on my three cats too. An hour and a half after the session ended, R. was still fast asleep and A.and T. were still staring at me, and still alert. Normally at that time of the morning, post-breakfast, all three would be deeply asleep, for ages! Later I realized that R. stayed asleep because, as far as I know, she had no particular physical trauma, but the other two needed the clearing, as T. has been in hospital twice, and A. had surgery.”
“My friend is walking much better than he was with his gout since the last clearing. Thank you!!”
“My knee pain went away! Thank you so much for it.”
“My health has been really good since I joined the healing circle. I’m excited to learn more about the adrenals.”