Muscle Testing: Find Your Body's Wisdom - Energy Clearing Circle #10
Muscle Testing: Find Your Body's Wisdom - Energy Clearing Circle #10
Ever found yourself stuck between choices, wishing for a clear sign or a nudge in the right direction? Many people face the challenge of uncertainty in decision-making. Muscle testing, often referred to as the body's lie detector, can provide valuable insights into what is beneficial or harmful to our well-being. It is a simple yet effective tool to complement your intuition. It’s not about fortune-telling, but gaining insights for your highest and best good.
In this class, you’ll learn various ways to muscle test, practical applications, and how to refine this skill to bring clarity and confidence to your lives. Muscle testing has personally transformed my life. It is not just a tool; it's training wheels for intuition, providing a tangible method to connect with your inner wisdom. With consistent practice and an open mindset, navigating life's choices becomes a more fluid and confident experience. Unlock the potential of muscle testing and make decisions aligned with your body's truth.
What Can You Learn From This Class?
Learn various methods of muscle testing, its practical applications, and how to refine this skill. Discover how to tap into your body's innate ability to guide you towards what's good and away from what's harmful.
When Would You Need This?
When you’re faced with decisions and seeking a practical and intuitive method, muscle testing provides insights into what is beneficial or harmful to your well-being, enhancing clarity and confidence in decision-making.
What Other Clearings Are Included?
Members requested clearings for:
Dog having hearing and disorientation problems
Feeling very irritable and feeling pressure in the center of the brow
Indecisiveness to choosing which activities to prioritize
Pain in right leg and knee
Energy cuts off at knees and feeling a disconnect between what she wants to do and what her body does
Any blocks that are keeping abundance from flowing easily
Putting herself out there but being uncomfortable in it
and more!
Energy Clearing Brings Real, Tangible, Practical Results
“Also, I’m happy to report that I’ve found my testing method! The sway works for me — I’d tried them all before and just didn’t know how to trust ‘em. The sway seems the most ‘idiot-proof’ to me. I’ll being practicing now with it, and maybe in time some of the other techniques will develop for me. The Circle is providing me a wonderful, deeper introduction to all of it - Thank you!”
“I actually experimented with muscle testing one time and bust out laughing how well it worked. I clearly did not have socks on and used that to muscle test oh my goodness when i used the statement i have no socks on then i have socks on i literally had no resistance i just could not keep my fingers together it was so funny to me, anyway that is the one thing i could share 😁”
“During the 2nd class, I noticed how skeptical I was and that I did not believe abundance and prosperity can happen quickly for myself or others. I knew it was coming up to shift so I reached out to Robin for tips. With Robin’s recommendations, I did eye rolls, blue screen and muscle testing. Due to my diligence, I was able to unlock what needed to come through for me to shift this. Since then, I have naturally opened up more to the possibilities and have actually experienced more abundance in my life.”
“Thank you so much for last night, Robin! I can’t wait till the next session in June.I just had a huge breakthrough because of last night—a few minutes ago I did muscle testing on “I care about what people think of me,” then tapped on a certain memory that keeps coming up, I just felt the trapped energy move through my body, cried, did muscle testing again and it totally changed! Wow. Magical. Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
“I have noticed that when I do the muscle testing, I seem to ask a lot of questions. I seem to be doing it when I need clarification on something. It has been exciting. I was doing the abundance journal and daily alphabet mantra daily. However, some days I got busy and had to catch up a couple days. The days I did it on the correct day, felt powerful. I loved spending money and giving to charity, paying off debt, saving for a new house, car, etc. on the days I had to catch up, it wasn’t as exciting! ”
“Incredible results from last circle! I was feeling unsafe and confused in my new relationship and not knowing whether to continue or how a trust myself to end it. Clarity and confidence came quickly and a new level of self trust. Thank you very much for the clearing and support!!”
“Thanks Robin for all of your work! I’ve made so much progress in the last 6 mo since joining the energy circle =) So appreciate you!”