Meridians: Our Rivers of Energy - Energy Clearing Circle #37
Meridians: Our Rivers of Energy - Energy Clearing Circle #37
Meridians are a fundamental part of our energy system. They are like rivers of energy in your body, guiding the flow of Qi (life force) to keep you healthy and balanced. Each meridian connects to specific organs and emotions, creating a powerful network that influences your overall well-being.
When these energy rivers get blocked, it can cause health issues, disrupting your body’s natural harmony and leading to discomfort, pain, or emotional stress.
In this class, you will get an overview and understanding of the whole meridian system. The meridians are used in acupuncture, acupressure, and EFT Tapping. We cover both the traditional EFT tapping points for each meridian, and also learn the Source Point for each meridian. Source Points are acupressure points that can be used to send concentrated energy from a meridian to an organ governed by that meridian.
This concentrated flow of energy can be used to help speed healing and to revitalize the organ.
Learn how tapping or massaging key points along the meridians can boost your energy flow and restore balance. Each meridian has its peak energy time within a 24-hour cycle, and we’ll explore how to maximize this energy for optimal health.
By understanding and working with meridians, you can enhance your energy, promote better health, and achieve a deeper sense of balance and well-being. Integrate these practices into your daily routine and experience profound benefits for both your mind and body.
What Can You Learn From This Class?
Learn the major pathways that govern your overall energy balance, and the 12 main meridians that are connected to your organs and emotions. Discover practical techniques to clear and balance your meridians, promoting optimal energy flow and health.
When Would You Need This?
This class is helpful when you're feeling stuck, stressed, or out of balance. If you're experiencing physical discomfort, pain, or emotional distress, this class can help you understand and clear blocked energy in your body. It’s also useful if you want to boost your overall well-being and learn techniques to maintain a healthy energy flow in your daily life.
What Clearings Are Included?
Members requested these clearings:
I feel powerless and stuck with my relationship with mine
Remaining calm and accepting guidance from my deepest wisdom
Occasionally tingling in my face, on both cheeks
Pain in my shins
My cholesterol is elevated
I get stuck when I want to speak
I am overly cautious, holding back, procrastination
I have never been able to connect well with the idea of joie de vivre
Irritations, impatience and frustrations in relationships between me and husband
Finding ease and comfort as my husband retires and that we have enough
Any hidden blocks to the (romantic) love I seek, financial abundance, or physical health & fitness
I have plantar fasciitis on my left foot
I have a headache from a new iPhone
I have swelling in my left parotid gland that requires further testing
I’ve been getting tingling in my fingers recently which feels like nerve endings
I want help with self-love and self-acceptance (+removing guilt/shame)
My husband has severe digestion issues
Anxiety about what the future holds and how/whether I can gracefully handle the challenges
Feeling overwhelmed with work, living situation, and overall health
I'm bloated and have a lot of gas
I feel fatigue, especially after exercising
Getting over the fear of failure that keeps me from expressing gratitude to my brilliant partner when she supports me in my path to success
I cough, clear my throat, have mucus and or have neck tension, all through out the day
I have chronic swelling in my ankles
I have the beginnings of cataracts in both eyes
and more!
Energy Clearing Brings Real, Tangible, Practical Results
“The Emotion code seems to be the missing piece for things to finally click and flow in my favor! I have more clarity, confidence, and inner peace between paychecks now.”
“I have noticed small things flowing into my life easily and effortlessly. I also feel lighter and more optimistic.”
“I have also noticed that because I am happy, light and free as money flows to me, all of life is flowing with ease and grace. I have no fears or worries, I feel guided and supported and the gratitude just flows forth, thank you for this.”
“Everything I need flows easily to me (even before I realize I want/need something) *This is big for someone that is goal oriented like me. I don’t need to work hard to make things happen anymore, they just come naturally. I feel an abundance in pure, simple happiness. Life is easy and light.”
“I went from feeling frustrated with so many things to do, to feeling like my life is so overflowing with good opportunities and new adventures and that Life is Good.”
“By the way, after the realigning of the energy flow yesterday - thank you again - and all D’s clearing - thank you again - I headed to the library, and have been working ever since on my “Seniors story” - so I WILL get it done today. Truly, without that exercise, and the clearing, I wouldn’t have bothered finishing the story - which would’ve been a real shame.”
“I am happy to report that I am now working more steadily, more in the flow, better able to concentrate after doing some energy work with you about feeling stuck at work after my husband died and some other big life events. THANK YOU, Robin!!!”
“These energy circles keep me focused on feeling better and I take that time for myself to so that. I haven’t put myself first in a long time and this makes me feel empowered.”
“Always a help and a way to get more peace and calm!! I feel it in my life , I’m more grounded and present and have better boundaries because they are flowing from a deeper place within. Thank you!!”
“Have had so many issues resolved with ease and had insights about my own control issues that I need to always have solutions for every problem. I saw my need to feel in control and was able to let go and let good energy flow.”