Idea Allergies: Energetic Zing to an Idea - Energy Clearing Circle #23
Idea Allergies: Energetic Zing to an Idea - Energy Clearing Circle #23
Have you ever felt a strange resistance towards certain ideas, even positive ones like joy or abundance? This could be an idea allergy holding you back!
Idea Allergy is a Body Code™ term that means a person may have a “zing” to a certain idea and react strongly to it, similar to how our bodies can react strongly to certain substances.
You can have idea allergies to positive things like joy, or to negative things like sadness, or even to neutral things like money. They trigger a disharmonious reaction within you, pushing you towards or away from them in unhealthy ways. They cause you to react in a way differently than most people. You may find yourself thinking, “I just can’t get a job,” if you have an idea allergy to work. “Money has always been difficult for me,” if you have an idea allergy to money. We don’t criticize ourselves for a peanut allergy, but if we can’t get along with others we are more likely to take it as a self-defect, rather than an energetic pattern.
In this class, you’ll learn how to identify idea allergies that may be sabotaging you, and some practical energy clearing techniques to release these blocks and experience freedom. With a mix of introspection and energy work techniques, you can address and release these deep-seated energetic triggers, and reclaim your freedom and neutrality.
What Can You Learn From This Class?
Learn energetic techniques to identify and clear idea allergies that may be sabotaging your emotional well-being and personal growth. By recognizing and releasing these deep-seated energetic triggers, you can reclaim emotional neutrality and cultivate a healthier relationship with various ideas and experiences in your life.
When Would You Need This?
If you often feel unexpectedly resistant or anxious about positive, negative, or neutral ideas, notice patterns of self-sabotage, struggle to break free from negative thought patterns, feel overwhelmed by unresolved emotional triggers, or seek a deeper understanding of your emotional landscape and ways to cultivate greater emotional resilience and well-being.
What Other Clearings Are Included?
Members requested clearings for:
Feeling insecure and overwhelmed in building my own business and creating my own website
Having trouble getting started and staying focused
Intense anxiety in the middle of the night and in the morning
Something is holding me back from creating a golf program
Feeling resistant to requests to email the entire practice group at work
Feeling defensive about my idea or the position I have taken and not feeling heard
Having a hard time getting ready for school on time
Son has low self-esteem and he always seems so focused on what others think about him
Not believing that I’m a good speaker, but others are, so there’s a disconnect there
Feeling afraid of being happy because every time I’ve been really happy in life, something really bad happens
Tension between my husband and kids is tearing me apart because I came from a dysfunctional family and I wanted a loving one of my own
Anything in the way of co-creating a happy, healthy, trusting, peaceful, loving marriage to my partner
Procrastinating what I have to do for work because I am not into it
Taking initiative more in my life - in all areas
Wanting to listen to the whispers of my soul and hearing it loud and clear
Struggling with making more than enough good money consistently and my relationship with money is a very weak area in my life
Weight gain and negative body image
Belief that I don't deserve to be wealthy
Any blocks to start writing my book
Recurring ulcers and infection in right leg and foot
Limited mobility in left shoulder
Feeling stressed about the heavy smell in my new apartment that I can’t seem to get rid of
My husband is always very sleepy and tired, all day long
Having a lot of gas suddenly
Back pain / sciatica
and more!
Energy Clearing Brings Real, Tangible, Practical Results
“Last clearing circle several inherited idea allergies and associated trapped emotions were cleared. Since then I have felt a real difference and have felt more empowered and responsible and more able to take initiative. It just feels more natural and easier to be myself and show up in a more powerful and real way - not such a struggle like it has been in the past. I still feel like I have a lot of work to do in that area, but I noticed a tangible difference. Thank you!”
“Thanks so much for finding and helping me clear the idea allergy between me and my husband. It has made a HUGE difference. The irritation between us is gone and we are communicating more peacefully, lovingly, and respectfully. Honestly, I’ve been a bit shocked about how much better we are! It’s showing up in actions and words. He has offered to pick up the groceries (usually my job), said really nice things about me to his friends while we were out golfing (very sweet), and neither of us is so triggered by the little (and silly) things that used to bug us about each other. I am SO, SO grateful! Haha - I’m actually excited to be married to him now, which is a really good thing!”
“I have had an enormous amount of confidence and my Idea Allergy to being noticed is gone. I feel wonderful with my stage presence and fright.”
“In the year since I’ve joined the energy circle I’ve cleared numerous “issues”, I’m nearly debt-free (making great progress!), found my life partner and things keep getting better and better all of the time! :)”
“I really enjoy this group and all the topics you introduce us too. So many varied energy techniques that I intertwine with the energy work and movement work I practice.”
“My clearing request related to work communications. The change I noticed was in how I showed up powerfully in an important work communication. I surprised myself and the clearing was timely. Many thanks!”
“Thank you Robin. It’s definitely good to be free of the Idea Allergy of moving forward. I appreciate you helping me with clearing it.”