The Amazing Power and Importance of Grounding For Relieving Anxiety and Increasing Health and Wealth - Energy Clearing Circle #3
The Amazing Power and Importance of Grounding For Relieving Anxiety and Increasing Health and Wealth - Energy Clearing Circle #3
This is a foundational and vitally important energy class, the Amazing Power and Importance of Grounding. A lack of grounding affects anxiety levels, health, wealth, and the ability to be empowered during life’s storms.
You will learn how to test your own grounding, how grounding affects the root chakra, and how the root chakra needs to be fully charged for your good health.
Learn the transformative power of grounding and potential of a charged root chakra. Did you know that the root chakra is a crucial component of overall health and plays a key role in managing anxiety?
During this Energy Clearing Circle, you will discover how having strong roots and a charged root chakra can positively impact your well-being. Grounding not only addresses various health issues but also lays the foundation for abundance and wealth in your life.
What Can You Learn From This Class?
You will learn how to test your own grounding, and how grounding affects the root chakra, and how the root chakra needs to be fully charged for your good health.
When Would You Need This?
When you are in need of better health, calmness, confidence and/or wealth.
What Other Clearings Are Included?
Members requested clearings for:
Being more content, but still feeling scattered
Can’t seem to decide what to focus on and stick to it
Moving in the right direction
Blocks to being visible in business and practice
Recovering from a foot and leg injury
Being taken advantage of and bullied by family
Serious fatigue from chronic hypothyroidism
Comfort for a pet in hospice
Sore tailbone
and more!
Energy Clearing Brings Real, Tangible, Practical Results
“I watched the first half of the Grounding video last night and had a strong reaction to the slide that described the condition of too many branches and not enough roots. This is how I’ve been most of my adult life. After a mental health crisis in January, I slipped into the other category of too many roots and not enough branches. These days I’m emerging into a more balanced state, which I am grateful for. I am imagining both roots and branches growing from my energy body, and it brings me peace and happiness!”
“WOW! As always, you give so generously and I felt so many things clear. Your message was exactly what I needed, my back has been totally blocked off and I knew I’ve been having issues with staying grounded. Grounding has to be a part of my daily practice...and this was a wonderful reminder! Also, I wanted to tell you how grateful I am for your tools. They are so powerful and I use them and teach them to my own clients. I just wanted you to know your work has been multiplied!”
“I want to let you know that I sense a profound shift in my being. I am calmer and more grounded. I find it easier to be in my body. I feel more trust and patience. My husband and I traveled to Wales last week. Normally, I would be much more effected by the long air travel and the opposite side of the road driving with crazy, curvy two lane roads wide enough for one car with a 40mph speed limit and what seemed a round-a-bout every 2 miles! I am very happy to say that my heart stayed where it was suppose to the whole time, and not in my throat.”
“The GREAT news is that last night I slept better than I have for months, not once being woken up by myself shouting out with the pain of trying to turn over in bed - which can occur many times through the night. My hip and groin is much more comfortable than usual this morning and I’m walking a whole lot more comfortably.”
“I also have noticed a shift from the Energy Circle clearing before - I’m finding I can express my truth with more ease and safety these days. I also wanted to mention, in general, I’ve seen a nice shift in all of my family members and the dynamics within our household. There are so many moments of our best selves shining through. Thank you so much for this invaluable service.”
“Thanks again for ALL of the amazing work, my tailbone is feeling SOOO much better, and so many things have shifted in such a dramatic way in this last week...I really feel things moving in the right direction, some so quickly I have to slow down and ground a little!”
“The clearing you did 2 weeks ago for my daughter and the night sweats she was having was great! She hasn’t had any since. :)”
“Last clearing felt great, immediately the next day 3 clients all responded affirmatively (in response to proposals I’d sent out in the prior 2-3 weeks, ha ha ha :) ”
“I am still using your meditation of planting roots, spreading them out, then bringing earth up and allowing a tree to grow branching out with leaves which are receivers. And I always give you credit when I do it with a group. It’s so awesome!”