The Who-What-Where-When Tapping Technique: Get To the Heart of the Issue and Clear It Quickly! - Energy Clearing Circle #29
The Who-What-Where-When Tapping Technique: Get To the Heart of the Issue and Clear It Quickly! - Energy Clearing Circle #29
We learn through our past experiences and encode that learning through our senses. When we have a troubling memory, there is energy that is stuck and needs clearing. This quick tapping technique loosens troubling memories rapidly. There isn’t any talking about the episode, just focusing on it and tapping through the energy points releases the emotion.
We learn both classic EFT and this rapid Who-What-Where-When Tapping Technique in this class. Both of the class participants who tapped aloud in the class had their issues go from a stress of “10” down to 1 or 0. In under 5 minutes, something that has been troubling us for years can literally dissipate.
Negative emotions disrupt the body's energy system. Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is a technique to restore balance to this energy system in a straightforward and repeatable way for any issue.
In this class, you will learn how to heal yourself from painful emotions such as fear, grief, anger, guilt, shame, and feeling disempowered. You'll also discover techniques to alleviate physical pain and promote healing in your body. By practicing EFT, you can achieve emotional, physical, and mental freedom.
EFT Tapping isn't a miraculous cure for everything. However, by focusing on 10 specific energy points on your body, you can release stress and harmful emotions from your body, allowing your Life Force Energy to flow freely again.
What Can You Learn From This Class?
Learn the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) which involves tapping on specific points on your body to release stress and negative emotions, allowing your natural energy to flow freely again. Both classic EFT and the rapid Who-What-Where-When Techniques are shared.
When Would You Need This?
If you’re struggling with strong emotions such as fear, grief, anger, guilt, or shame, and you want a practical way to manage and release these feelings. This class may help you when you're seeking a straightforward and repeatable method to address emotional and physical challenges and enhance your overall well-being.
What Other Clearings Are Included?
Members requested these clearings:
Unsure and guilty about pregnancy
Remembered pain from my mother
Feeling super overwhelmed with all I have to do in life which is causing me to be frozen in doing my work
and more!
Energy Clearing Brings Real, Tangible, Practical Results
“I am happy to report that I am now working more steadily, more in the flow, better able to concentrate after doing some energy work with you about feeling stuck at work after my husband died and some other big life events. THANK YOU, Robin!!!”
“I was very concerned about a potentially cancerous lesion on my skin. Robin cleared a trapped emotion and directed me to an energy protocol I could follow daily for two weeks. At the end of the period, my skin was completely clear and I canceled my surgery! I felt a big shift the night before it happened, like an anchor had dropped away from my body. Thank you for working a(nother) miracle, Robin!”
“I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your presence in my life and how much this energy circle has helped me since I joined. I was very hesitant to join in as I had work demands and time constraints with classes but somehow I have managed to attend most classes and enjoyed the time clearing my issues out. You have made such a huge impact in helping me through my sorrows, disappointments, anxiety and pain. I can’t thank you enough for showing me that there is light at the end of the tunnel. Sending you prayers and hugs.”
“I initially joined with trepidation regarding spending money on the monthly calls as my husband didn’t have a job and things were really tough financially. I can’t believe it’s been more than a year, and never a month has a regret or a question regarding joining your energy circle. It’s been uplifting, rewarding for me, enlightening, and inspiring. I have moved so much, and so has my family. I had lost hope in so many ways before and was working on pure willpower to move things, but I can’t believe the ease I feel with so many clearings and so many wonderful results.”
“Robin was a gift to our family – she helped my teenage daughter move beyond a traumatic experience that was causing debilitated anxiety. After the first round of EFT, the difference was marked. She was happy again, and at ease with herself. EFT is amazing!”
“Robin taught EFT at my Center (Turning Point Healing Arts & Education Center) in Ridgefield, CT. I referred several clients to her for her workshops and private sessions and they felt the work with Robin was very beneficial. I also attended several of Robin’s workshop and found her to be an excellent teacher making EFT accessible and useful to all.”
“Robin Friedman is the go to person for EFT/tapping in our area. Several of my patients have told me that they were blessed when they found Robin after working with other practitioners. Robin has her own special way of working that includes experience and insights that only come from talent and experience.”