Creating Your Delicious Future: Energetic Manifestation Process - Energy Clearing Circle #32
Creating Your Delicious Future: Energetic Manifestation Process - Energy Clearing Circle #32
Are you starting a new project, a new year, or a new chapter in life? Make it all that you want, and more, by aligning the energy first!
In this class, you will go through a step-by-step process to visualize and manifest your dream future. From setting intentions to clearing limiting beliefs, we cover it all to help you unlock your true potential.
All parts of you are important. Starting with a connection to your soul, you are creating not out of neediness or personality, but something that is authentic for you. Your amazing subconscious supplies the images that you can use for clearing, and also for moving forward. You will work with the energy body to literally open to that which you want. Learn how to use the mind and heart in two powerful visualizations. Clear your future life path, and call in a team of non-physical spiritual helpers to help you as well!
Transform your reality and step into the life you've always imagined - it’s good for you, it’s good for your loved ones, and good for the world.
What Can You Learn From This Class?
Learn how to set a positive and intentional blueprint for your future. This class teaches you how to align your energy with your goals and aspirations, whether you're starting a new phase in your life, exploring a new career, or aiming to bring your dreams to life.
When Would You Need This?
This class will be super helpful for you when you're starting a new chapter in your life, such as embarking on a new career, making significant life changes, or setting new personal goals. This class is also beneficial if you feel stuck or unfulfilled and are looking for ways to align your actions and mindset with your true desires. It's ideal for anyone seeking to manifest their dreams, overcome limiting beliefs, and embrace a more abundant and fulfilling future.
What Other Clearings Are Included?
Members requested these clearings:
I feel stuck and unmotivated
I always go out of my way to help people and it doesn’t seem reciprocated or appreciated
Belly aches
Neck and shoulder issues
Sharp pain in hips and sacrum
Rash in armpits
Frustrations with my family
Throat and lung issues
I want to clear blocks to successful trades, difficulty, and lack of fun!
I feel in resonance with my vision course, even when I don't want to be
All resistance, on all layers and on levels -- especially with regards to thinking "this or that" is hard to do, hard to find, will be a struggle, etc.
I feel like I avoid things that make me uncomfortable or when I feel indecisive
False beliefs
and more!
Energy Clearing Brings Real, Tangible, Practical Results
“I used the 30 Second Magic and pictured myself in the Mediterranean. (I wanted to be specific with the details, so I chose the Spain side of the Mediterranean). Which to me, represents abundance and I have always wanted to travel internationally. So instead of focusing on money like I always to do. I picked a snapshot of what an abundant person would be doing! Enjoying an expensive vacation. Freely spending money without worry. I could smell the salty air and feel the sun on my face as I sat outside in a cafe over looking the ocean. I could hear glasses clank as my best friend and new friends toasted to new friendships and fun in the Mediterranean. I could see all the food on the table. A dish of olives sat in front of me. I could taste the wine and feel the glass in my hand. I excitedly pulled my credit card out of my wallet and paid the bill. I could feel myself smiling and feeling grateful for being able to pay for everyone. My friends thanked me, in English and Spanish. My symbol is a big Spanish olive. :) My best friend always jokes and says let’s run away to get a break from all the stress. After visualizing myself in Spain. I texted her that we should “runaway to Spain”. Come to find out, she wasn’t kidding. She told me to start the process of getting my passport and she will book it! So crazy! I had given up hope of even being able to travel just to the otherside of the US and now I am going to Spain! Then 2 days later my client told me that she is getting a small group of woman together to travel to the Mediterranean in Greece, next Spring and she would love me to go with them. 😉”
“Projects and things continue to flow more easily - I’m excited to see them come in even faster + more easily in a way that is easy to manage + produce results in a timely fashion and a way that my clients are thrilled! :) ”
“The circle is definitely helping me and my family ALOT, I absolutely see the results and it shows up as less physical challenges and a hopeful look forward for all of us!”
“Thanks Robin for all of your work! I’ve made so much progress in the last 6 mo since joining the energy circle =) So appreciate you!”
“I’m a new person and man and husband and father because of this work. Thank you ”
“My life is improving immensely since I joined the energy circle 4 months ago.”
“Since I joined the healing circle, I have change in so many ways.. my perspective in life has changed as well. I am much more calmer, more understanding, able to shift quickly into positive Frame of mind. ”
“I got a job offer and some consulting work, and my old job called me back!”
“In the year since I’ve joined the energy circle I’ve cleared numerous “issues”, I’m nearly debt-free (making great progress!), found my life partner and things keep getting better and better all of the time! :)”
“So so so appreciative of your help Robin.. I have come such a long way. Yesterday one of my client questioned my integrity around some money issues. Back in the old days, I would have fumed, got upset about “ how can they ?” My internal dialogue would have hijacked me with “ only rich people do this ? She is such a miser inspite of being a rich .. Blah blah blah.. I was so calm, it was okay for her to ask.. And it was okay for me to tell her “ if you don’t want to pay don’t but I have done a session.. I found the old messages and sent her so calmly .. wow wow wow .. what a difference!”
“I have been having profound changes in myself since I started the healing circle. I see my own defensiveness, my reaction to what others say or do become so different. I see them and am compassionate in the way I view them. It has changed my outlook so I don’t take things personally, and even if I do.. I seem to let it go faster than before.”
“I’ve noticed I’m feeling lighter and more positive on a day to day basis and more confident about taking big steps that would have been scary before in my business, but now feel exciting! ”
“My business is growing. New people are sharing excitement and bringing new customers and associates. I’m excited about healthy miracles and new income flows.”
“A lot of different things are shifting in my life.. Have been able to do so much in the month that I have been in hkg . I have had financial issues but lately I feel like my priorities have shifted .. I don’t feel bothered when students cancel class or if sessions don’t manifest.. that’s a huge change from worrying about money.. Thank you so much Robin 💕 it feels so liberating as money used to be my issues in any modality I did.. now I feel very calm around it.”