Chakra Clearing Basics: Your Vortexes of Power - Energy Clearing Circle #12
Chakra Clearing Basics: Your Vortexes of Power - Energy Clearing Circle #12
Learn about your amazing vortexes of energy, your chakras. This class is a quick basic overview of the seven main chakras. What they are, and how each one is unique and has different very specific physical, emotional, and mental aspects. You will learn how to test which chakras need balancing and learn how to balance them. We do a quick clearing and strengthening of all seven chakras, with an additional bonus of a separate 30-minute chakra clearing audio.
Sometimes the key to not getting what we want is a ‘surprising’ chakra that is out of balance. For instance, if you want a job, you may think that your solar plexus - the confidence chakra - needs boosting. But it possibly could be the crown - the opening and allowing of spiritual inspiration and direction - that is asking for balancing. So rather than boosting up your confidence levels, you are being called on to relax, open and receive, and be guided. Each person is unique and that is why it is great to know how to test them for yourself.
What Can You Learn From This Class?
You'll learn about the seven main chakras, where they are located, and how they affect your physical and emotional well-being. You will learn how to test your chakras to see if they're balanced and how to clear any blocks or stuck energy. After clearing, you'll learn how to strengthen the chakras and harmonize them all together. With good energy, things get easier in life. You can use these techniques to feel better and more in harmony with yourself whenever you need it.
When Would You Need This?
When you feel stressed, anxious, or unbalanced. It's useful when you want to improve your overall well-being, address negative emotions, or find more clarity in your life. If something isn’t working out as you expected, there is often one or two chakras holding up the flow.
What Other Clearings Are Included?
Members requested clearings for:
Having the fear of taking blood pressure and hearing that it might be too high
More success in business or in a move
Experiencing pain in the neck for 6 weeks
Experiencing shoulder, neck, knee, and tennis elbow pain that comes and goes
Having the fear of changing the ink cartridge on the printer
and more!
Energy Clearing Brings Real, Tangible, Practical Results
“The chakra clearing helped me a lot to clear dense feelings in my chest. I had shoulder pain for a long time and have done acupuncture and adjustments but after the session-3 in week -3, I felt an immense letting go of the pain. I feel so much better to do my classes and it feels like there must have been something blocking me from releasing the pain. I haven’t delved deep into it but am continuing the chakra clearing anyways because I feel light and good. I have had new students (2) since I joined the programme and am looking forward to having full classes of students and also adding new classes. Though my goals to join this programme has been different, I am immensely grateful for moving things in my life. I will continue doing the practice to reach my goals and feel hopeful for achieving it soon. ”
“These resources are wonderful. Yesterday I went to the barn and cleared chakra on my horse Kokoda and another who I take care of ~ Sevin. Both gave extensive yawning and were so relaxed and connected with me. Sevin practically fell asleep. I will be doing this with my two rescue dogs today as well. As for me, the clearing you did on my right side ribs is much better. I plan to do more and a little remains. I was surprised it was my heart chakra ~ but you said a clear work ~ betrayal and I have been dealing with a friend for 30 plus years whom I have felt very betrayed by over the last 7 years. You also said you do not have to forgive or have closure in the relationship. Very poignant for me. When I say those words the nagging chronic pain in my ribs subsides. Very interesting. Again, thank you! I love being a member of this energy group. It is serving a good purpose in my life and affirming my ability to muscle test and also be an energetic healer. ”
“I’ve had more pain lately - I couldn’t understand it. It felt almost physical and it sure was intense. But I intuited it was in the emotional body and not quite solidified into the physical. It still felt pretty awful though. EFT didn’t help. Meditation helped a bit but didn’t take it away. As for acupuncture - I actually didn’t know where to begin!!
You have helped me to overcome my prejudices about chakra work and this is where your library of gifts and knowledge has been so invaluable. I did very basic chakra work and (now day 2) my pain is at zero. I am so grateful!”
“I LOVED the chakra clearing session! I was amazed when I felt the concentration of heat and energy and felt really relaxed afterward.”
“Just want to thank you for the full body chakra recording - so deeply beautiful and magnificent. Thank you for your generosity in creating and sharing this with us!”
“This energy circle is so deeply healing. Last week’s session took me inside to different places that I have known before but am seeing them in a more clear way. Thank you for this awareness!!”
“Amazing results from last time is clearing. I saw the results physically and also felt a serenity not having the need to try and figure it out.”
“The GREAT news is that last night I slept better than I have for months, not once being woken up by myself shouting out with the pain of trying to turn over in bed - which can occur many times through the night. My hip and groin is much more comfortable than usual this morning and I’m walking a whole lot more comfortably.”
“We had a session together last week. We did some work to get my Root Chakra in good order and I have had the most amazing week in over a year! I feel like myself again, only better, wiser, even more grateful for the good people and things in my life. Thank you!”