Abundance Journal: Easily Attract Abundance in Every Area of Your Life

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Abundance Journal: Easily Attract Abundance in Every Area of Your Life


33 Days of Energy Tools For Abundance!

  • Do you wish you had more money, but it feels hopeless?

  • Is money and bill-paying a struggle?

  • Do you feel like you have a money set-point that’s not quite high enough?

Money is like weight - there is a set-point that we subconsciously seem to revert to, no matter the outward circumstances. The subconscious mind controls much of our money programming, and was formed by our parents money mindset.

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With 33 Days of Energy Tools For Abundance, your subconscious beliefs around money will change! We will start a 33-day process on the very first day, and continue it all month, as well as adding in different energy tools daily as well. Each day you will get a new tool straight to your inbox. Each one of us will get a personal abundance rating at the beginning of the course, and watch this go up over the 33 days.

All you need is a new notebook, 5-10 minutes a day, and a willingness to do the work necessary to reprogram your money set-point.

33 Days of Energy Tools for Abundance!

I really loved this program
My abundance rating went from 45% to 85%, which I thought was really great! I love the abundance journal and after the program finished I took a break from it for a couple months. As time went on, I noticed that I wasn’t getting the abundant feelings I had after finishing the course and decided that it was a great tool to help keep my abundance level up, so I have started doing the journal again and it has definitely made a difference. I felt that it was a great conglomeration of tools and processes that move the needle quickly around abundance, while still being fun and interesting. I felt like each of the tools worked a different sort of “magic” and gave new perspective around money and abundance - so it was a continual journey both mentally and spiritually. - Laura S

I definitely feel more abundant!
I am still doing the basic journalling, and find this has had the biggest impact on me. I've found that I've definitely done less “I can’t afford it” as a result. I definitely feel more abundant, around 70%, I think before it was 50%. It can go up to 90! - Clare L. UK

It's definitely working Robin
I just got a new client out of the blue! Heather C. UK

There is much more stability now-
And I have even got surprising money back from remortgage etc and am most definitely feeling about 20% more abundant than I did. - CL

It's very rich, fascinating and a delight to read
Firstly I'd like to thank you so far for the wonderful daily energy tools for abundance course. It's very rich, fascinating and a delight to read. Another thing that's happening is that I'm getting repeat clients plus recommendations. It's only just starting but it makes me think I'm maybe on the right track. I'm also getting testimonials without asking for them. - J

Robin’s powerful Abundance Course is just what I needed
To overcome being frozen in fear about not being able to pay for my daughter’s special ed schooling and medical expenses. The course helped shift my perspective, including through looking at, and dealing with, past patterns that contributed to me being closed to funds flowing my way. My fear has lifted; I actually am having fun addressing money issues. My daughter’s tuition is covered, and I am making headway on the medical expenses. Thank you for sharing your techniques and glowing attitude, Robin! Susan R. NYC

It made me realise I was achieving more in a day than I realised and it boosted my self esteem, it’s hard to put into words how much it opened my eyes and helped me. Also as a result I attracted some wonderful opportunities into my life as if by magic! - Sarah A.

Feeling abundant!
Guess what! I received an increase in pension yesterday - and a back-dated lump sum. Not massive but enough to make a worthwhile difference! Feeling abundant! H.C.

The most amazing experience ever
There are no words to express my sincere gratitude for this course, it has been the most amazing experience ever. I am so abundant in so many ways - I have received so much love from people around me, I have been showered with gifts. I have also noticed that because I am happy, light and free as money flows to me, all of life is flowing with ease and grace. I have no fears or worries, I feel guided and supported and the gratitude just flows forth, I thank you for this. One of the things I wanted to manifest money for was to pay for some assessments for my son. The assessments were several thousand euros. I handed this over and really was able to release this, instead of worrying about it. Last week II received news that a way had been found for the assessments to take place and they will only cost me 385 euros. How amazing is that!!!! I am totally amazed and totally grateful.- Jacky- Holland

I enjoy reading them in my notebook
I love the add a “0” and still use it. Also love when I get a bill at a restaurant - I imagine getting the amount of the bill x10 in my pocket, just before paying the bill. I also loved the “guess what” letters. I enjoy reading them in my notebook occasionally, and I have been writing new ones as they come up. - L.S.

What had seemed like a simple, playful exercise had real manifesting power in it!
On Day 2 of Robin's Amazing Abundance Journal exercises, I wrote that if I had extra money given to me I'd pay off the balance of my cat's dental work, and have an extra $85 in credit at the vet. Even though I had no clue how that could possibly happen, given my 'fixed income', five days later I learned that I'm eligible for an affiliate commission. I can pay the balance AND have approximately $185 (not $85) leftover! What had seemed like a simple, playful exercise had real manifesting power in it! - A.A