Tap Into Abundance
Class #1: Mind Map Tapping
Class #1: Mind Map Tapping – Starting Where We Are
What does Abundance look like for me? It’s different for each one of us.
What will I create? Setting your intention directs the energy.
What is my beginning abundance rating? You will see this go up!
My symbols of where I am now. Powerful information from the subconscious.
In this first class, we tap on everything we think of when we think about “Abundance” and we will clear the slate for the next sessions of going deeper. Whether you're seeking financial freedom, improved health, or enhanced relationships, this session offers practical tools and insights to align your energy with abundance.
Program Details
Change your energy regarding abundance! Abundance is a big topic, and we will be tapping on a different aspect, with a different tapping technique, every month. So, 12 months + 12 topics + 12 tapping techniques = Greater Flow and Abundance in Life!
Class #1: Mind Map Tapping
We tap on everything we think of when we think about “Abundance” and we will clear the slate for the next sessions of going deeper.
Class #2: Doodle Tapping on the Topic of Taxes
We work with colors, doodles, and images to transform your relationship with taxes but it also works brilliantly on any topic.
Class #3: The Tapping Tree
This is a great process for tapping on the meta and the whole topic of abundance.
Class #4: The Tappy Bear
We delve into your family’s money experience.
* Everyone is welcome, no experience is necessary.
* You can sign up for the monthly classes, or pay for the whole year.
* If you have signed up for the yearly payment and weren’t able to catch the first few classes, you will receive the recordings of all previous classes.
Learn how to tap here:
Learn more about what EFT Tapping is and how it got started here:
Tapping Brings Real, Tangible, Practical Results
“Significant improvements in several areas of my life. and for what it’s worth, landed two huge client projects the day after the money tapping exercise.”
“It was actually a remarkable experience. After doing the first round of tapping I kind of felt worse about the whole money thing, but then as soon as we started the second round I could feel a real shift take place. It was like a weight was lifted off my shoulders and I felt just so much more optimistic! When I woke up this morning I couldn’t even get my mind to come up with the worried thought. Even when I consciously tried to think about money and my issue with it I couldn’t seem to find the thought at all. It’s an incredible feeling. So thank you!”
“When I sat down, I was feeling low-level stress that just seemed to always be there. I felt it as a slight tightness in my chest. I was always worried about my business and struggled with “not being good enough.” I was aware of tapping but had never practiced it before this session. After an hour, the tightness had vanished and I felt as if I dropped 10 pounds. I just felt lighter. It was a great relief and I am so grateful.”
“I’m new to tapping and found Robin to be very informative and a wonderful teacher. I’ve been struggling with anxiety for the past 2 years and read lots of the books and do the breathing techniques, etc - not interested in meds, but felt like I needed something more. Occasionally I wake up with a jittery feeling, and when it recently happened, I tried one of the techniques Robin taught me, and amazingly I felt better. Robins class was a great experience for me.”
“I found that the energy techniques and tapping helped my attitude. I was much more positive and focussed. I even had one of my best sales ever, probably due to the positivity and good energy.”
“After a traumatic event in my life, I did some EFT with Robin, and it enabled me to come into balance in a way I hadn’t experienced before. Now I see possibilities and glimmerings of light whereas before it was all bleak and dark. This method is awesome!”
“I want to say thank you for all of these exercises. They are helping me to really figure my “stuff” out! Even though I have had EFT training, your guidance has been so life changing. You are like the Cliff Notes of Energy Healing! Really - your teaching style allows me to get the “gist” of a modality without having to dive deep, unless I want to. It’s very helpful! Thank you!”
For inquiries, you may email Robin at robinfriedmanenergy.com