

Pets have trapped emotions, just like people. Sometimes something that happened long ago is still affecting them today, and this plays out in their attitudes, behavior, and physical health.  Pets are usually quite responsive to energy clearing. (Of course no guarantee can be made about the outcome. There may be definite visible changes and there may not be.)

Pet sessions can either be done with me, or I can do it remotely for the pet without you present. I will send you a form asking for the details of the issue and any known distress they have gone through and the ages. It is fine if you do not know much about their past. Email me at to discuss if you want remote, or just sign up for a session if you want to do it together.

I love working with animals! One dog just got out of surgery that very day, and the vet didn't know if he would walk, or have a limp, and the next morning he was standing right by mom's bed, ready to hop in the car and go out with her, and has no limp; the vet was amazed.


"My affectionate 9 month old cat Antonio was getting increasingly unhappy because I started a new job. Each day he got more remote towards me when I came home, and on the sixth day he went rigid when I tried to stroke him, and he refused to engage with me at all. Robin did an Emotion Code session for him, and cleared Antonio's insecurity. Before she finished the session Antonio had relaxed and rolled on his side, then laid his head on my hand. The next day when I came home he rushed towards me, leapt into my arms, dotted his nose all over my face while purring loudly, then snuggled into my lap. This was truly a miraculous and beautiful result from Robin's clearing session!"
- April from Australia

“Just wanted to give you an update on Ted since you did energy work with him. Ted had spinal surgery a year and a half ago and didn’t walk for five months. He has been doing great, walking again, playing, and enjoying the yard. But he would not chase a ball like he used to love to do and bring it back to me. Two days after your session with Ted he has begun to chase a ball, race back to me to throw it again. That is a first since his surgery and it’s because of the work you did with Ted. Also, he has more energy, he has a bounce again in his walk, and we can see his confidence has gone way up too! So appreciative. Thanks.” - Bruce

“I’ve been fostering rescue dogs for years now and love my work as a bridge to their forever homes.  Each time I take in a rescue, I try to create a place of acceptance and love for them.  Some are physically traumatized, all are emotionally confused and fearful. Many come from horrific situations but all suffer from loss – loss of security and love.  The beauty of the dog is that they can come back from this loss, they are open to love and happiness again.  I’ve used tapping to restore a sense of calm and release worry but felt there must be something more I could do. I found it in Robin.  My latest foster is a 10 year old Lab, called Chuck, who found himself in a shelter for 4 months through no fault of his own.  Just judging his beautiful calm nature and perfect house manners, I could see that he had been well-loved.  I don’t know his circumstances but the shelter said he hadn’t been adopted because of ‘lead aggression’ and arthritis.  He just seemed so sweet that I wanted to give him the best new life.  I had worked with Robin many times for my own needs and was delighted to remember that she also works with animals.  Within 24 hours of getting Chuck, I asked Robin to check him out.  She found the arthritis issues as well as the ‘lead’ issues, and feelings of loss and abandonment.  When he arrived, Chuck walked stiffly and favored a back leg.  Within 24 hours, his gait was eased and in the following days, he moved much more easily – even becoming frisky at times.  We took walks around the neighborhood a few times each day and never saw aggression.  One day he did manage to open the door and run after another dog to bark at him – but never touched the dog – just barked!!  Who would have thought this poor arthritic boy of 10 days ago would be running!  Now Chuck has been adopted into his forever home and Robin has done a Relationship Alignment with his new home and people, and he is feeling safe and happy with his new family.  He continues to move more easily and is now living the good life at the beach.  Would this have happened within two weeks of leaving the shelter without Robin’s help?  I don’t know but am so happy it did.” - Marie Geyer, Australia

“Thank you SO much for this mini session on Holden. Holden is doing MUCH better -- he is walking and moving with comfort, and showing his happy, playful self. We've tapered him off tone medicine and he's gradually tapering off the other. Your findings from the session are very interesting. I didn't know animals carried shame, but then why couldn't they? The loss at <1 year old may be his mom and littermates. His 4 brothers were adopted into new homes when they were ~10 weeks old, and his mom was adopted a few months later. I never thought that could affect him still. Wow! - Patricia