Tower of Lack: Touch & Breathe - Tap Into Abundance Class #8


Tower of Lack: Touch & Breathe - Tap Into Abundance Class #8


Every experience of lack leaves behind an energetic residue and vibration within our system. Whether you've had challenges with money, relationships, safety, love, or basic needs, this class will help you to release those lingering energies.

The Tower of Lack is a representation that your subconscious gives you, depicting the very real energetic blocks that limit your access to abundance. Identifying your personal "Tower of Lack" is powerful; as you are then in touch with it, it isn't hidden any longer. You will learn a new tapping technique in this class that actually uses no tapping, but the same acupoints with gentle touching only, called Touch and Breathe, developed by John Diepold, PhD. The process dissipates the energy, and your subconscious will show you that change. For example, one person had a long-standing writer’s block. It then went from a gooey black, ugly mass of oil to a fertilizer for a beautiful verdant garden.

This is the eighth in a series of 12 classes on using EFT tapping to transform our Abundance. Each class will use a different and unique tapping technique, so by the end of the course, you will have a robust tapping tool belt AND a changed abundance mindset!

A little bit about EFT:

EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Techniques, and it is sometimes also called Meridian Tapping. It is a simple-to-learn, powerful technique where you tap on meridian points of the face and body while focusing on something that bothers you. This clears the energy system of the block, and often the troubling issue will no longer have an emotional charge.

Tapping the energy meridians sends a calming signal to the amygdala (the part of our brain responsible for our fight or flight response). EFT is a way of hacking into the limbic system, the non-verbal part of the brain that controls stress and fight or flight. This works to clear the "short-circuit" from your body's bio-energy system, thus restoring your mind and body's balance, which is essential for optimal health and the healing of physical disease. We will be repatterning our Abundance programs and coding.

If you are brand new to EFT, here’s a YouTube Video on How To Tap:

And here’s a video on how EFT came about and how it works:

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What Can You Learn From This Class?

Learn how to address and clear the lingering energetic residue from experiences of lack in various areas of your life. ​​The class teaches techniques like mindful tapping and the "Touch and Breathe" method to release the energy of lack by working with the subconscious and using images. This will help you clear blockages and create space for more abundance and positive change in your life.

When Would You Need This?

This class is helpful for those who experience recurring feelings of lack, frustration, or unfulfilled desires, and for anyone who senses that invisible emotional or mental barriers are preventing them from accessing abundance and living fully. If you have faced difficult experiences or traumas that left you feeling empty or lacking, this class offers tools to clear that energetic residue. It helps shift the mindset from lack to possibility, making room for a more abundant and peaceful life.

Tapping Brings Real, Tangible, Practical Results

Just wanted to share that the Tap and Breathe Tapping had a phenomenal effect for me. I thought of an issue that had been with me for almost 10 years. It involved a person I thought was a friend and even now still had the power to make me shake with nerves and I was so frustrated that I hadn’t been able to get rid of it even with tapping. However, when we did this exercise my image was a big rock with a gnome sitting on the top. As we went through the Tap and Breathe the rock became liquid and I ended up with a pool of grey with a red splodge on top. I have tested it today and try as I might I cannot get the nerves and the frustration back and cannot even bring up an image of this person’s face. The feeling of freedom is so immense.
— C.H.
I had not heard of Touch and Breathe before, and I really loved it. It felt more effective than normal tapping. I don’t see images very well, and I was so surprised when my lack showed up as rows and rows of empty aluminum buckets as far as the eye could see.

The buckets slowly faded away to be replaced with the most beautiful and endless deep green lawn. Like the lawn was a symbol of continuous abundance, always alive and always growing, never running out.
— B.
My tower wasn’t a tower. It was a fence, with each aspect being a vertical plank. It vaporized to dust almost as soon as I started tapping.
— M.
My pile of pebbles was up close initially, but changed to being on an expansive beach and the environment changed. I am feeling much lighter and the spacious, heaviness has subsided.
— S.Y.
I had a pile of grey leaves. As I used Touch and Breathe it got smaller and got cartoonish, had eyes and a mouth. After Touch and Breathe, it was difficult to focus on the pile at all.
— D.M.G.
The pile of brightly colored papers changed to a small yellow/green mound.
— K.S.
A cage and all around that cage there were bags filled with this lack, totally blocking that cage … by the end of the tapping it was smaller, a little more away from me. It needs more tapping. It made me realize how obstructed it feels and how much it is also created by other people in my life and taking on their lack ….
— W.H.
I feel alive and tingly. Golden light. Thank you!
— D.Y.
I lost my voice and felt a grayness rocks weighing me down. Now, a bright fire of energy and an abundance of health and gold. Thank you!
— S.D.
Touch and Breathe Using Images, got me over my long-standing writer’s block. When I first visualized the writer’s block, it was a gooey, black, ugly mass of oil. As I went through and touched and breathed on each point, the black mass sank into the earth and turned into fertilizer for a beautiful, verdant garden. Later, I easily got busy writing.
— E.S.