The Tapping Tree: Getting to the Root of the Issue - Tap Into Abundance Class #3
The Tapping Tree: Getting to the Root of the Issue - Tap Into Abundance Class #3
This is the third in a series of 12 classes on using EFT tapping to transform our Abundance. Each class will use a different and unique tapping technique, so by the end of the course, you will have a robust tapping tool belt AND a changed abundance mindset!
In this third class, we use the Tapping Tree – a powerful technique designed by Lindsay Kenney as a way to uproot and dissolve ingrained patterns of scarcity. This process is especially good for getting to the “whole” of an issue, as well as it's parts.
You will systematically write down events that have contributed to this present outcome, as well as the resulting emotions, consequences and internal beliefs. Your own subconscious will give you a reflecting image of the internal representation of these combined energies, and as we do the magic of tapping, those will change. There is often a startling shift in energy by the end as you can see in the shared examples below.
We can change our energy – and tapping is one great simple way to do that – and as we change our energy, our outer life changes too.
A little bit about EFT:
EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Techniques, and it is sometimes also called Meridian Tapping. It is a simple-to-learn, powerful technique where you tap on meridian points of the face and body while focusing on something that bothers you. This clears the energy system of the block, and often the troubling issue will no longer have an emotional charge.
Tapping the energy meridians sends a calming signal to the amygdala (the part of our brain responsible for our fight or flight response). EFT is a way of hacking into the limbic system, the non-verbal part of the brain that controls stress and fight or flight. This works to clear the "short-circuit" from your body's bio-energy system, thus restoring your mind and body's balance, which is essential for optimal health and the healing of physical disease. We will be repatterning our Abundance programs and coding.
If you are brand new to EFT, here’s a YouTube Video on How To Tap:
And here’s a video on how EFT came about and how it works:
What Can You Learn From This Class?
Learn how to identify and release deep-seated emotional and mental blocks that hinder your ability to attract abundance. In this class, you’ll learn about the Tapping Tree method to map out key events and emotions related to your mindset, use tapping and affirmations to address and let go of these limiting beliefs, and cultivate a positive mindset that attracts prosperity. By doing this, you can break free from patterns of scarcity and embrace a life filled with abundance and opportunities.
When Would You Need This?
If you find yourself feeling stuck in a cycle of financial scarcity, struggling with limiting beliefs about money and abundance, or battling feelings of unworthiness and fear related to financial prosperity. If you notice patterns where money seems to slip away quickly, or if negative self-talk and societal conditioning are holding you back from achieving your financial goals, the Tapping Tree class can help you address and overcome these issues.
Tapping Brings Real, Tangible, Practical Results
“My tree was a half-burnt tree initially called the f*%@ed tree . I did the whole process, and it became a Boab tree bearing red fruit with Chinese coins and a red ribbon with a blue sky. Thank you- great process.”
“I loved the tapping tree exercise. It was very helpful in bringing out specific areas to tap on. Like someone else in the group my tree was at first a weeping willow (lots of sadness). By the end of the tapping session it was definitely looking more full and vibrant like a mighty oak!”
“I had a great experience in letting negative feelings go. Robin asked me to draw a tree on a piece of paper. From here we tapped on numerous issues I have with my mother. As we tapped away feelings of being unloved, disliked, lonely, and stupid I could feel my whole body releasing these unhappy feelings. It was at this point (in my mind) that I pushed all of these negative emotions over the edge of my back yard. I then felt calm and peaceful.”
“I experienced an amazing ‘rebirth’ - this session helped create an environment similar to a forest fire burning existing trees and vegetation (in an easy, gentle, healthy way) - the cleansing and nutrients from the ‘fire’ create a clean, fertile environment for new growth which is stronger and healthier. I’m excited to have my husband and son do the tree! That was such an AMAZING experience!”
“If you missed the live call, I strongly recommend that you take the time to listen and follow along with your own process as you hear Robin guiding us through the practice of the Tapping Tree. You will experience a shift.”