LOA Journal: Harness the Law of Attraction and Magnetize Your Desires Easily
LOA Journal: Harness the Law of Attraction and Magnetize Your Desires Easily
33-Day Journaling Program to Harness this Powerful Universal Law to get in the Flow!
This 95 page journal goes through the entire Law of Attraction 33-Day Journaling Course. Day by day your energy rises, and things fall into place more easily. This is the Downloadable and Writeable version. (You can also purchase a print version at the links listed below.)
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Take a look at the Downloadable Workbook here. You can type into the text fields on your computer.
Here’s what others have shared:
“The Law of Attraction fillable workbook has made a profound difference in my life! First, I asked for energy, and I got it! Then, I asked for more memory, and I got it (with clarity from my intuition on what supplements to take and a clarification session with another Intuitive). Then, I asked for more money and it flowed in, in ways I never imagined! It’s been profound! So, I was sharing with my work friend that it’s one of the best ways that I’ve experienced Law of Attraction and it’s also so uplifting and joyful!”
“Robin, I love the” guess what” process, and all of these techniques. Imagine what would happen if millions of people were raising their vibrations through work like this. We need it now - to shift the energy and heal.”
“I have been repeating the “I am open and receptive...” affirmation each morning after completing the sun salutation, and it has helped me maintain a sense of wonder and openness to what the universe offers each day, and it is a reminder to focus on gratitude each day. . . .The practice of noticing my actions rather than dismissing them increases my sense of expansiveness and abundance. I write down and repeat a positive alphabet mantra daily. These practices have helped me to establish a positive focus and help me to notice the small slights (because it is usually something small) that throw me throughout the day. So, my focus is more positive, and my self-awareness has increased.”
“It’s definitely working Robin - I just got a new client out of the blue!”
“Your tone of voice is perfect, and you have a lovely light touch that somehow makes it easier to keep the momentum going all the way to the end! It’s been easy to pick up again when I’ve had to have a gap and I’m finding every single email useful. I like that it comes in small manageable chunks and scaffolds into a complete course. Even where I’ve known a technique or done something similar before, hearing your voice in my ear has somehow changed the dynamic of how I’ve taken on the work - and it hasn’t felt like work; it’s fun and pleasurable and somehow fits itself into my day.”
“I have also noticed that because I am happy, light and free as money flows to me, all of life is flowing with ease and grace. I have no fears or worries, I feel guided and supported, and the gratitude just flows forth; I thank you for this. One of the things I wanted to manifest money for was to pay for some assessments for my son. The assessments were several thousand euros. I handed this over and really was able to release this, instead of worrying about it. Last week, a lady helped me, and now it only cost me 385 euros. How amazing is that!!!! I am totally amazed. I am totally grateful.”
“I used the 30-Second Magic and pictured myself in the Mediterranean. So, instead of focusing on money like I always do. I picked a snapshot of what an abundant person would be doing! Enjoying an expensive vacation. Freely spending money without worry. I could smell the salty air and feel the sun on my face as I sat outside in a cafe overlooking the ocean. I could hear glasses clank as my best friend and new friends toasted to new friendships and fun in the Mediterranean. I could see all the food on the table. A dish of olives sat in front of me. I could taste the wine and feel the glass in my hand. I excitedly pulled my credit card out of my wallet and paid the bill. I could feel myself smiling and feeling grateful for being able to pay for everyone. My friends thanked me in English and Spanish.
My best friend always jokes and says let’s run away to get a break from all the stress, after visualizing myself in Spain. I texted her that we should “run away to Spain”. Come to find out, she wasn’t kidding. She told me to start the process of getting my passport, and she will book it! So crazy! I had given up hope of even being able to travel just to the other side of the US, and now I am going to Spain! Then 2 days later, my client told me that she is getting a small group of women together to travel to the Mediterranean in Greece next Spring, and she would love me to go with them. 😉”