Soul Star and Earth Star Chakra: Our Super Connectors - Energy Clearing Circle #39


Soul Star and Earth Star Chakra: Our Super Connectors - Energy Clearing Circle #39


Our wonderful chakras are our energetic power system. Learn about these two “super chakras” to boost your energy, your connection to your soul’s gifts and your grounding in a deeper way.

Many people feel disconnected from their true selves and struggle to stay grounded in their everyday lives. This disconnect often shows up as anxiety, low confidence, or the inability to reach their full potential. It can hold them back from personal growth, block their creativity, and make it hard to find happiness, leaving them stuck in a cycle of frustration and unfulfilled dreams.

One way to address this imbalance is by understanding and working with the chakras, which are essential for maintaining our physical and spiritual health. While the seven main chakras are commonly known, there are two important chakras that are often overlooked: the Soul Star chakra and the Earth Star chakra.

The Earth Star chakra serves as a kind of "supercharger" station for our life force, boosting and enhancing our energy in a profound way. The Earth Star chakra is not just about grounding; it plays a crucial role as the anchor of our entire chakra system, especially the seven main chakras. It ensures that all our bodily chakras are firmly connected to the greater earthly and universal energies.

The Soul Star chakra, positioned above the head, connects individuals to their soul's purpose and divine guidance. Meanwhile, the Earth Star chakra, located beneath the feet, provides grounding and stability by linking with the Earth's core. By activating these chakras, you can experience a profound shift towards greater balance, enhanced insight, and fulfillment.

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What Can You Learn From This Class?

Learn about the Soul Star and Earth Star chakras. The Soul Star chakra helps you gain a higher perspective and align your life with your spiritual goals, while the Earth Star chakra grounds you, enhances your energy, and anchors your entire chakra system. By activating these chakras, you'll move toward greater balance, insight, and fulfillment in your life.

When Would You Need This?

You would need this class if you're feeling disconnected, struggling with anxiety, low confidence, or feeling stuck in life. It's also helpful if you're seeking greater balance or a stronger connection to your purpose and the energies that support you. This class can guide you in aligning your spiritual and physical aspects, helping you to move forward with more clarity and fulfillment.

What Clearings Are Included?

Members requested these clearings:

  • More self-love, acceptance, and appreciation

  • Holding back, procrastinating on projects, feeling overly cautious

  • Letting go of my anger, rage, bitterness and hateful feelings towards my family

  • I have had unusual fatigue for a couple of weeks

  • I feel like I'm seriously blocked regarding communication

  • Feeling unmotivated and lacking energy for my work

  • I do not enjoy being close to my younger sister

  • I feel stuck, that no matter how hard I try, I am not making progress

  • I feel distant from my husband

  • My daughter would like to believe that she has the power to be happy

  • To clear any/all subconscious programs broadcasting “disregard me"

  • Feelings of irritability throughout the day

  • and more!

Energy Clearing Brings Real, Tangible, Practical Results

I feel so grounded, yet charged.. so energised even when I have trouble sleeping or am so tired. Each day I feel more and more ready to take on my shadow self, unconscious beliefs, subconscious mind sabotages so I can live my life with ease.
— S.
After 35 years of trying I am finally able to ground my energy in a stable way and feel how my first chakra is vibrating which for me is huge. I am able to feel aligned with Gaia and the universe and the connected flow of energy is strong. Before I could only envision it but never feel it. My emphatic overload has diminished. I am finally able to strengthen my energy and receive more than I give and know at the same time it’s ok I am not being selfish I am taking care of myself. Huge shift for me! And my inner talk is nicer softer.
— V.
YES!! Something def. shifted/was rewired as I was eerily very calm/relaxed yesterday, felt much lighter and seem much more focused at work today.YIPPY!
— D.S.
So much has fallen away that I’ve been just enjoying that and the new groundedness that’s come from it. I’ve felt somehow extremely grounded and light at the same time. I have a feeling so much has changed I’ve yet to even discover and will unfold for months. It feels like a different life in a lot of ways :)
— K.
I want to let you know that I sense a profound shift in my being. I am calmer and more grounded. I find it easier to be in my body. I feel more trust and patience.
— J.
I feel so much lighter, I can feel the Grace and peace within embrace me with so much love from the Divine helping lift me out of my grief and into a higher state of awareness and acceptance.
— A.D.
After the last energy circle, I slept through the night for 2 nights without having to go to the bathroom.
— Anonymous
Feel strong, amazing abilities to not push through issues with will power but with ease and being able to discern right away that “ it’s a reaction “.. it’s not who I really am.. that’s so empowering in itself.
— S.
Thank you - am loving these latest exercises and feeling small shifts but then become aware of more layers - it feels like peeling back an onion sometimes!
— K.
From the last energy circle, there is a loosening of the topic, it doesn’t feel quite as stuck anymore. Some cracks for light to shine through seem to be developing.
— H.
I have been feeling burnt out and insecure with clients like I don’t have what to offer and have to make it good enough, which is not attracting adults clients. After filling in this form, I realized I just need to invite my higher power into my work! I always gain so much from the circles and from all the healing, energy and techniques. I have more self compassion and have embraced my gentleness. I am breathing deeper and feel more acceptance. Thank you!!
— Anonymous