Psychological Blockers: The Eight Major Blockers That Prevent Real Change - Energy Clearing Circle #28
Psychological Blockers: The Eight Major Blockers That Prevent Real Change - Energy Clearing Circle #28
When you want to make a significant change, it is vitally important to check these eight main psychological blockers. Like a rope tethering a hot air balloon to the ground, it doesn’t matter how much hot air is in there, if there is even one rope holding strong the balloon will not lift off. It is the same, psychologically speaking, if one of these blockers are in place. For instance, one of the main “ropes” is SAFETY. If you don’t feel safe to double your income, become thin, fall in love - or whatever your goal is - your fabulous subconscious will protect you from making that change.
Learn the eight main psychological blockers, and how to tell if you have them, and what to do about them if you do have them. If every one of these are clear, we are usually ready to rise to that new level.
Whether you're seeking to expand your business, enhance relationships, or pursue personal goals, this class will equip you with essential tools to navigate past mental roadblocks and achieve the transformation you desire.
What Can You Learn From This Class?
You'll identify and address common psychological blockers such as safety concerns, self-worth issues, and fears of losing identity or approval from others. You'll gain clarity on how these blockers manifest in your life and discover empowering strategies to dissolve them
When Would You Need This?
This class is for anyone who wants to understand and overcome these inner doubts and fears that get in the way of their dreams.
What Other Clearings Are Included?
Members requested these clearings:
I have a creative block
Constant conflict between my daughters and my husband
Clear the main block to my marketing my business and charging what my services are worth
I have a psychological block about having too much wealth and then it represents greed
I have an irrational fear of bunions
I do not take action to enter the trade
Anything in the way of my 100% physically transformed & cycle completion +10 into my dream physical result
Any physical, mental, emotional blocks to receiving love/spiritual career path
Recurring headache, usually on the right side
I never seem to reach my desired healthy weight
and more!
Energy Clearing Brings Real, Tangible, Practical Results
“I have really enjoyed implementing the EFT combined with the Emotion Code. Sometimes instead of swiping I do tapping and this is powerful. Thank you again!”
“I feel much less stressed about the issue I asked about last time! I enjoy feeling less consumed by it and more free.”
“I have been having profound changes in myself since I started the healing circle. I see my own defensiveness, my reaction to what others say or do become so different. I see them and am compassionate in the way I view them. It has changed my outlook so I don’t take things personally, and even if I do.. I seem to let it go faster than before.”
“Always a help and a way to get more peace and calm!! I feel it in my life , I’m more grounded and present and have better boundaries because they are flowing from a deeper place within. Thank you!!”
“The tapping really helps when I feel uneasy.”
“More open to receiving and being more grateful, accepting of what is.”
“I’m thankful that my husband is helping me.”