Open to Receiving: The Importance of the Opening the Back of the Heart Chakra to Allow Receiving - Energy Clearing Circle #2
Open to Receiving: The Importance of the Opening the Back of the Heart Chakra to Allow Receiving - Energy Clearing Circle #2
When you find yourself lacking love, financial abundance, appreciation, missed opportunities, or luck, there is a surprising energy adjustment that can be made. The BACK of the heart chakra is often constricted and not open to receiving.
It is common to feel the chakras in the front of our bodies, but it's important to activate both the front and the back. The back of the chakras are actually important in maintaining our overall energetic balance.
In this class, you will learn a hand-scanning technique to test how open the front and back of your heart chakra is. As you open your heart chakra, you energetically open to the energies you want to manifest in your physical life.
What Can You Learn From This Class?
Learn the energy anatomy of being open to receiving. Just as a naturally giving person has an open front of the heart chakra, by opening the back of the heart chakra, we energetically open to receiving. Learn how to scan your heart chakra, how to open it, and how to blend your energy to the energy of the good things that you want.
When Would You Need This?
When you find yourself lacking love, financial abundance, appreciation, missed opportunities, or luck.
What Other Clearings Are Included?
Members requested clearings for:
Diminished eyesight
Blocks in receiving financial compensation
Opening up to more abundance
Eliminating debt
Having panic attacks
Blocks to expanding intuition and connection
Waking up a few times at night with zaps of hot energy
and more!
Energy Clearing Brings Real, Tangible, Practical Results
“My son was having panic attacks, I wanted to clear the heartache at not being able to do clearing for him. After the Energy Circle, I have felt calmer about the situation with my son.”
“I wanted to clear any blocks to expanding my intuition and connection. After the Energy Circle, my intuition has been heightened :)”
“I felt sooooo much better after you helped lift off shame. I was glad to know some of it was inherited. Thank you, Robin!”