Metabolism and Hormonal Reset: For Greater Energy and Flourishing Vitality - Energy Clearing Circle #13

Metabolism and Hormonal Reset: For Greater Energy and Flourishing Vitality - Energy Clearing Circle #13
In this class, we were all surprised and delighted by what happened to our energy levels when we played and experimented with these two energy techniques. Using EFT tapping (you don’t have to know how already), we tapped through a protocol to boost metabolism levels. Then using the Body Code™ method, we quickly cleared and “reset” all the glands.
Using our own internal representations and/or muscle testing, participants reported having metabolism percentages go from 10% to 40% and from 37% to 72% by the end of the first technique. And surprisingly, a lot of them went to their maximum levels by the end of the second energetic technique.
What Can You Learn From This Class?
We “talk” to our metabolism and hormonal system with the energy modalities of EFT tapping and Body Code™. You don’t have to know either of these to follow along with us.
When Would You Need This?
If you are experiencing chronic fatigue, a significant decrease in energy levels, prolonged periods of stress, difficulty sleeping, menstrual irregularities, aging/menopause, or if you’re struggling to maintain a healthy weight.
What Other Clearings Are Included?
Members requested clearings for:
Injury in knee
Experiencing infection that led to laryngitis
Going sugar-free and feeling deprived
Feeling a lack of abundance
Experiencing vertigo
Recovering from a broken shoulder
Feeling blocked from the flow of receiving money
Coughing and breathlessness
and more!
Energy Clearing Brings Real, Tangible, Practical Results
“The day after I did the metabolic and hormone reset (I got to my 100% in my metabolic functioning in the tapping rounds) I woke up feeling energized for the first time in a long time. I told my friend how I felt in the morning and suddenly I remembered I had done the reset the day before. It is almost unbelievable.”
“Two weeks ago I did the metabolism process. I started at 23%, ended up at 63%, but I didn’t feel the change until the next day. Since doing it I have slept 7 hours a night instead of 8. I don’t get tired in the afternoon anymore. I can work a bit longer without losing clarity. Yesterday I tested it again and am now at 70%. I’m thrilled to have the extra time and energy, it seems pretty miraculous. Thank you Thank you Thank you Robin!”
“Thank you the results and benefits of these clearings and circles are beyond measure!!”