Heart Wall: Open to Love, Health, Fulfillment & Wealth - Energy Clearing Circle #20
Heart Wall: Open to Love, Health, Fulfillment & Wealth - Energy Clearing Circle #20
Our hearts are vulnerable to emotional injury. Sometimes emotions can get trapped in the heart area, creating a wall of protection around our heart, keeping our heart from being totally broken.
While these walls are meant to protect us, they can also hold us back in many ways. They can block us from experiencing true joy, love, and connection, keep us stuck in patterns of anxiety, depression, and self-sabotage, and prevent us from achieving our goals and living our full potential.
Clearing our heart walls is one of the most important things we can do for our emotional and spiritual well-being. By clearing your heart wall, you may feel more connected to yourself and others, feel lighter and more free, experience more joy and peace, have more energy and motivation, and be more open to love and abundance.
What Can You Learn From This Class?
Learn to find out if you have a heart wall, identify what it’s made of, and learn how to clear it.
When Would You Need This?
If you've experienced emotional pain or distress and feel that it has created barriers around your heart. If you sense that these emotional walls are affecting your ability to experience joy, love, and connection, or if you find yourself stuck in patterns of anxiety, depression, or self-sabotage, this class could be helpful.
What Other Clearings Are Included?
Members requested clearings for:
Anything blocking abundance and receptivity to being prosperous
Having a squeaky voice, with a cough and irritated throat
Self-sabotage and procrastination in every area of life
Pain in lower right back
Feeling unloved, unworthy, and unheard
Being conditioned to be silent because of parents not listening
Frozen left shoulder
Being very cautious in trusting others while dating because of history of infidelity and mental abuse in past relationship
Depletion pattern caused by putting everyone else’s needs ahead of own
Feeling anger towards mom
To be comfortable speaking up about current issues, whether political or disagreeing issues within friendships or family and revealing true thoughts
Struggling to make deep, healthy connections and relationships
Feeling unclear and blocked about what direction to take next with business
Challenged with trading plan
Anxiety, panic, and impatience when eating, pushing me to eat fast
To be more open to receive love and be open for deeper intimacy
Fatigue/energy for life is dramatically shut down
and more!
Energy Clearing Brings Real, Tangible, Practical Results
“Our last heart wall clearing ~ you cleared vulnerability and I have felt so much stronger and able to have zero hesitation in revealing my feelings/thoughts. I am so much more relaxed.”
“Thanks Robin. My heart wall showed up as a thick dense, dark forest and little me in it scared and alone. A small portion of the forest opened up after the clearing and filtered light was shining through. Visualization is powerful. Thanks for the work that you do. Looking forward to exploring this more.”
“My heart wall started with an iron fence around my heart and it changed to yellow color filled around with flowers and sunshine.”
“The heart wall clearing was so cool! It felt like melting this gross goopy wax and seeing a beautiful blue sky start to shine through.”
“My heart wall started from a silly putty to expansive yellow-green light.”
“After the heart wall clearing, it feels like a ton lifted off around my heart. ”
“I’m feeling more clear in the energetic connection with my sister, which was a clearing request. I feel less small and more right sized, if that makes sense. Thank you!!”