Disconnections: The Hidden Blocks to Health & Happiness - Energy Clearing Circle #46
Disconnections: The Hidden Blocks to Health & Happiness - Energy Clearing Circle #46
Disconnections are a powerful, impactful category in the Body Code™. It makes sense, when you think of how the current disconnections you already know about impact your life, such as feeling disconnected from your spouse, your purpose, your life, or money, etc.
In the Body Code™, we go deeper, and explore five categories of disconnections, including Spirit-to-Physical disconnections and Physical-to-Physical disconnections. Spirit to Physical disconnection shows up whenever we are not living our highest potential and full authentic self. It says, there is more to (the real) me than is showing up here. False beliefs or older stuck unhappy emotional energies can prevent more of our true light being embodied and expressed. Physical to Physical disconnections affect almost every instance of physical imbalance, at least in my experience. If parts of our digestive system are not communicating well with each other, for example, it makes sense there would be an imbalance. And clearing these hidden under-the-surface disconnections can bring a surprising fullness and vibrancy to life!
What Can You Learn From This Class?
Learn what the Body Code™ teaches about the different types of Disconnections, what effects this can have on our physical and emotional health, and how to clear them and re-connect!
When Would You Need This?
This class is helpful when you're feeling detached—from loved ones, your body, or your purpose—especially during times of emotional strain, like after major life changes, isolation, or the end of a relationship. It’s also helpful when you find yourself stuck in unhealthy attachments or if you’re struggling to let go of past experiences that affect your present well-being.
What Clearings Are Included?
Members requested these clearings:
I have pain in my lower right molar
Disconnection from my full capacity to make a good income doing work I love and am good at
I’m healing from a second major virus within 5 weeks
Disconnected from my older daughter
Though I feel aligned with my life purpose, I don't know what it is
I have a colleague, we are well-intentioned towards each other but I am aware of a tension/zzzt between us
Why do I hesitate to speak/get close to people?
Another person’s behavior has me very very concerned and upset
Do I have anything to clear related to waking with fatigue and headaches
My energy has been too low for a number of weeks
I want to feel more comfortable in new or different situations and with new or different people
and more!
Energy Clearing Brings Real, Tangible, Practical Results
“There are always amazing results! My cord cutting was about disconnection from my vision of a soulmate due to possible hanging onto a relationship. Since then I feel so much more hopeful, and even free in my current situation!!”
“I’m feeling more energised, and naturally re-connecting with playfulness and joy, confidence and trust. One day, when I came home from work, feeling energetically depleted, I checked, then realigned grounding, heart and spirit, and clearing my aura. It really helped to get back into alignment! Thank you so much, wonderful and joyful course and connection!”
“When I first started out, I felt like there was something inside that was blocking me from sharing and connecting with others. I have tried doing a lot of work on myself to help with what was going on inside of me, but I knew I needed something more to help me move forward. Ever since you did the heart wall clearing, I haven’t felt this wonderful in such a long time! Now I feel so free and more connected with myself. I do the techniques you taught me and I notice everyday how confident and clearer I am than ever.”
“When I started the session with you my hips had been feeling very disconnected over the past 2 weeks or so. I’m not sure if it was the work we did on the heart wall or something else but for the next two days I was feeling physically more balanced! The instability in the hips was pretty much gone and I felt like my body was actually more in alignment!
Even though I am totally a ‘believer’ in energy work I was nonetheless amazed that it actually did something for me! I kept checking to feel if it was real or just my desire to feel different! There was definitely a shift and that disconnected feeling was gone. When I say disconnected is wasn’t just a sensation, it was really physical!”
“I noticed feeling much more healthy. I’m so impressed that it’s such a positive outcome. Even decision making is easier!”