Cord Cutting: For Emotional and Energetic Freedom - Energy Clearing Circle #5
Cord Cutting: For Emotional and Energetic Freedom - Energy Clearing Circle #5
Cords are energetic connections between two people. Energy cords are simple and natural because when we interact with other people, there’s energy moving all the time. Positive cords of love are uplifting, but negative cords can leak our energy and can be draining mentally, emotionally, and even physically. If you have health issues, or if you can’t stop thinking of someone, there may be cords draining you or keeping you tied to that person.
In this class, you will learn more about cords and several methods of clearing them. A surprising effect of long-term cords is the self-limiting beliefs that we have internalized about ourselves because of that previous relationship. You will learn a process to replace that old belief with helpful, uplifting, encouraging thoughts about yourself so that you are coming from a foundation of strength rather than self-doubt.
What Can You Learn From This Class?
Learn about energy cords—how to find out if you have any; how to cut unhealthy ones; and how to release the unhelpful energy resulting from them. The cords can be from recent times or childhood.
When Would You Need This?
If you are constantly thinking or dwelling on someone, such as dealing with the end of a romantic relationship, unresolved emotional attachments, or toxic dynamics. The cords can have a negative health effect, as well as emotional and mental.
What Other Clearings Are Included?
Members requested clearings for:
Finalizing a divorce with an ex-husband
Betrayal of two son-in-laws
Bless and release a past relationship
Being on the edge of sciatica and having the fear of going into a really bad bout
Worrying about elements that are out of our control that could “go wrong”
A child waking up at night drenched in sweat
Feeling blocked from landing a dream job
Being in a new relationship and having the fear that things will not turn out well
Being unorganized and having difficulty maintaining a filing system
and more!
Energy Clearing Brings Real, Tangible, Practical Results
“Yesterday I did the exercise ‘cutting the cord’ and when I was doing the cord cutting exercises, it was perceptibly choking and created breathing tightness- informing me of how much I was holding in, all the emotional baggage. After completing the exercises and I got up and took a 5 min break and returned. All my breathing returned to normal, body was lighter, and the weight of whatever on/in my chest /heart area was gone.
Last night in my meditation, I saw on my heart four gold colored flower petals open fully. It was amazing. This morning when I woke, I felt an incredible shift of something good. ”
“The cord cutting was a profound & energetically lightening experience. The morning after the energy circle, I awoke feeling optimistic, lighter & hopeful! This is a good reminder to continue daily!!”
“The biggest find was an emotional cord that was attached to my lower back. As we detached it, I had a warm feeling at the base of my spine. This area has been a source of discomfort for decades. Since the release of the cord, I have not had any pain in this area. (This is miraculous!)”
“Before, I was feeling blocked at sorting, clearing, and tidying a backlog of stuff in my home. After the Energy Circle, mission accomplished! Wow, the space is amazing. Feels like a whirlwind of tidy went through, like a reverse hurricane and now I’m in the calm after the storm, except there was no storm, just clean, clear order. Thanks Robin!”
“It’s a wonderful teaching! I clear cords in my grounding cord but don’t often clear cords in the front or back of me. I feel so much brighter now — the room actually looks brighter, too! What I realized after this process is that I don’t realize how much lower energy or cords affect me until I clear them.”
“As I walked to the store and then tutoring today, I noticed a new ‘fluidity’ in my hips, less stiffness. It was a surprise but when I thought about it, clearing space by removing cord roots makes sense. Will continue to check on it. So weird and wonderful!!”
“The clearing you did 2 weeks ago for my daughter and the night sweats she was having was great! She hasn’t had any since. :)”
“After that last clearing, immediately the next day, 3 clients all responded affirmatively (in response to proposals I’d sent out in the prior 2-3 weeks, ha ha ha :) ”