Life Coaching
Life Coaching is an ongoing partnership all about helping you get from where you are in your life to where you want to go. By asking the right questions, visualizing the desired outcome, acknowledging possible obstacles and preparing a strategy to move through them, you are empowered to create what you want. Being accountable to someone else for the baby steps necessary, as well as encouraged and supported, can open or boost your life to another level.
The first two sessions will consist of creating a Vision Statement of your ideal life, which you will receive as an mp3 file. From there we will create an individual plan focusing on what you want to achieve. We will use the power of the subconscious and energy tools in addition to weekly physical steps that we agree on that will bring you closer to your goal. It is a true blending of the inner and the outer.
Vision Statement
A Vision Statement is a thorough picture of your life as you would like it to be. We begin with a very detailed interview covering all areas of your life: career, health, finances, emotional, spiritual and relationship. I will ask you to envision what it would be like if you had your dream in this area, what would it feel like, what would you see, how would you feel, what type of thoughts would you be thinking. Then also what obstacles could get in your way, and what ideas do you have to get around those obstacles.
After our initial interview, I will create a very specific Vision Statement just for you. For example, if you saw yourself wearing your skinny red jeans at your ideal weight, I will say something like, "You are thrilled when you look in the mirror and see how great your skinny red jeans look on you." I will record this as an mp3 for you and you can listen to it before bed, or going on a walk. You will also receive a written pdf.
Playing it over and over lets this seep into your subconscious and your subconscious takes it as a fact. Then it will be easy and natural for these things to manifest. It is a wonderfully powerful tool that is fun to listen to.
Hypnotherapy is a gentle method by which the inner potential can be accessed. It is used to help overcome unwanted habits or behaviors through positive suggestion and quieting the mind. Hypnosis feels like deep relaxation and will include guided imagery and positive suggestions that you have agreed to. You will always be fully conscious and in control.
7% of the mind is conscious, 93% of the mind is subconscious. This explains why we are reaching for that chocolate chip cookie after firmly deciding that we would not eat any more sugar. It was really the small 7% part of the mind deciding, and the larger 93% rebeling. The subconscious thinks it is trying to do something positive for us, so our job is to learn to speak the language of the subconscious and get this powerhouse working toward the goals we choose.
Life Path
When you picture your life path, is it clear, open and wide? Or perhaps hard to see, in the fog, or filled with boulders?
Get clarity on your purpose, your joy, the direction you're going, and what's holding you back. As we energetically clear the 'boulders', 'fallen tree branches' or whatever else is in your way, your path becomes easier to see and follow. There is an internal knowing when we are on the wrong, or right path.
What themes do you see in your life? What challenges do you keep bumping up against? What might that say about what your soul wants to learn? What talents do you have that are the most joyful and exciting? How can you help change the world? How alive do you feel? How willing are you to settle for less than you feel is possible?
Even if you don't know "what you want to do with your life", the life path clearing sessions can open new opportunities for clarity. If you do know, but seem to run up against obstacle after obstacle, the energy clearing can help ease the flow in our practical lives. The subconscious runs our life - it is our powerhouse - it is wiser to have it work FOR us, rather than against us.
"Thank you for the incredible session we had yesterday. Your guided imagery which enabled me to visualize walking along my Life Path was so powerful, and I know it will only get better as I continue to revisit these images. I realized last night and into today how much noticeably better I feel. My mind and heart both feel so much freer now. And I had the best night’s sleep I have had in ages last night!" ~ C.F.
"Working with Robin with mind-mapping techniques really clears things up! It so easy to see how things relate to the original issue, and where the biggest problem truly lies! I highly recommend this method; it's a real problem-buster!" ~ J.W. Brooklyn NY
"Time and again, I've seen that after a group session with Robin, people feel lighter, freer and happier. I participated in Robin's Vision Board session in January. It absolutely set my path for the year, which was a year of improved health and prosperity. Robin has the gift of inspiring people to tune in to their inner desires and then set intentions which then guide future actions." ~ Jill Meyers, LCSW
“I absolutely LOVE my Vision Statement and listen to it almost daily. When I have moments of uncertainty and need a boost, I grab my iPod and take the Vision Statement on a walk, hike or run with me. It never values to lift my spirits. It's a pep talk and a view of the future that I to achieve. It keeps me on the right path towards that ultimate goal." ~ Peggy Wagener, Sun Valley ID
"I love my Vision Statement. It is very useful and I do prefer the written version because I can access it at any time to read through it for overall reinforcement of the message. I really liked how Robin took the information from our conversations and converted it over to the Vision Statement. Each time I read through it, I get sparks of joy as it really strikes a chord within me." ~ K. Hawker, Seattle WA
"I love the vision statement and find it very helpful! It is encouraging to hear the audio version and Robin's voice is so soothing to me." ~ Teri Wilson, Olympia WA
"I love the audio Vision Statement; it allows me to listen and picture my life how I really want it and to then be able to pursue it. It also motivates me to make my life as I picture in my vision statement." ~ Morgan P., Sun Valley ID