Do You Have a Heart Wall?
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Discover what YOUR Heart Wall is made of

Sign up here and get a free video that will show you how to find out what your own heart wall is made of. It is amazing to experience this for yourself. Once you sense it, there is a dialogue opened up between the conscious and the subconscious, and it is the first step to letting it go. This video will show you how to find out what substance your heart wall is, and provide different ways of clearing it as well. You don’t have to buy anything to clear your heart wall! It is time for everyone to be free of old emotional baggage holding us down, for the good of the world. There are many ways to do this, and it IS possible to feel freer and have life easier. The most powerful way to change your life on the outside is to change your energy on the inside.

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"Fascinating to see how different our heart walls were!"
"Mine was made of red brick."
"My wall was 18" of steel malachite."

Discovering your Heart Wall's substance — the 1st step to feeling free
"I felt lighter immediately!"


When we feel emotional pain or distress, our heart can be injured, hurt or broken. Just think of the words 'heartache' or 'heartbreak'. To protect ourselves we put up a 'wall' around our heart.

This is built out of the energy of trapped emotions. Unfortunately, the heart wall doesn't dissolve on its own usually, even if we don't need it anymore. So having a heart wall is like living in a bomb shelter. Great for when we need it, but afterwards it can be suffocating and we could feel disconnected, numb, sad, or like we are on the inside looking out at life. But the good news is that we can release it!

The heart wall clears one layer or emotion at a time, and then it's like the sun is shining in, with fresh air.

Each person is unique, and the subconscious portrays the 'material' the heart wall is made out of differently. Sometimes they are made out of wood, marble, stones or another building material - and I have also seen heart walls of jelly, marshmallow and silly putty! Sometimes the material has a meaning to the person - "jelly definitely makes me think of my mother, and it's not happy".

They can vary in size as well, from a fraction of an inch to many miles. If we needed more protection, it is bigger. They clear little by little, or sometimes a lot in one session. One person's heart wall was made of white marble, and went from 40 feet to 14 inches in the first session.


Some People’s Experiences:

Difficulty dropping into a loving heart space - felt lighter immediately
”I was initially attracted by the class because I felt I had difficulty really dropping down into that loving heart space and having initially tested and found a 13 mile wall made of red brick, I could understand why. I was surprised just how easily I was able to release the first two layers during the call and felt a bit lighter immediately." - L. M.

The Class was a Joy - jealousy went and hasn't come back
The class itself was a joy. It was fascinating to see how different our Heart Walls were and how we were able to clear so much even though we were very different. Mine was a huge wall of seaweed that was 18 miles long. I can't remember the first emotion I cleared, but for me the huge thing was getting rid of that jealousy that had been in my heart for many years. I knew it was there, I even knew why it was there, I hated it and had tapped on it many times. But during that class it went and it hasn't come back." - C.H.

After Divorce - no wedding bitterness anymore
One woman's experience after clearing the heart wall, and specifically a significant energy of bitterness connected to divorce: "today I came upon an old soap opera on TV. They were showing a Hollywood wedding (long gowns, abundant flowers, etc) which might not seem like a big deal. However, I've occasionally felt bitter or resentful about seeing weddings; today, I felt neutral. Yaaay!" - A grateful client

I noticed a change with my motivation. Easy - no forcing myself now!
After clearing the heart wall - “I noticed a change this last week with my motivation--seemingly out of the blue, I just up and did a couple things from my To Do list that have been on there forever.  Those things that I have pushed to the bottom of the list for almost a year, I just all a sudden was like "oh, I think I'll do them".  Easy peasy.  No forcing myself.  lol  And the accomplishment feels so good!” - I.A.

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