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Abundance Breakthrough Circle

The Body Code™

Abundance Breakthrough Circle

If your subconscious mind and energy system aren’t aligned with your intentions, you won’t achieve abundance. This program uncovers and clears blocks preventing you from achieving financial abundance.

What is the Body Code™ Abundance Breakthrough Circle?

If you change the energy on the inside, your external life will change also, and everything falls into place more easily. The Body Code™ Abundance Breakthrough Circle helps you to identify and release subconscious limitations that hold you back from the prosperous life you want and deserve. Uncover and clear any limitations preventing you from financial abundance. This program offers six sessions, over two months. Click on the button below to register. Once you complete the registration form, details will be emailed to you.

The Abundance Breakthrough Circle focuses on every individual in the group, so space is limited. Register today to join the upcoming session or get on the waiting list for the next one!

Morning Group: 9:00 - 10:15 AM PT / 12:00 -1:15 PM ET
Afternoon Group: 4:00 - 5:15 PM / 7:00 - 8:15 PM ET

About The Body Code™ Abundance Breakthrough Circle

This program is perfect for entrepreneurs, coaches, or business owners who are struggling financially.

Small groups ensure everyone will receive individualized focus. We’ll be targeting how to increase abundance with The Body Code™ by clearing limiting programs such as “It’s not safe to be seen.” There will be weekly action steps, and measuring of our new programming.

Earlier Event: July 18
Abundance Breakthrough Circle
Later Event: August 1
Abundance Breakthrough Circle