The Emotion Code, Body Code, and Belief Code
The Emotion Code™
The Emotion Code™ is a technique developed by Dr. Bradley Nelson, and it works by lightening emotional baggage. Using muscle testing, we quickly identify and release hidden trapped emotions, which are harmful emotional energies from negative past events. Trapped emotions can be involved in sadness or anxiousness; they could block people from love and happiness and make them feel disconnected from others. Because trapped emotions are made of energy, just like the rest of the body, they exert an influence on the physical tissues and could cause acute pain and even disease. Releasing trapped emotions may ease conditions for the body to heal physically, and emotional difficulties often disappear or become much easier to deal with.
Trapped emotions are balls of energy vibrating at different frequencies, created by emotions we experienced but did not fully process. Using kinesiology, we can identify which emotions are causing a disturbance related to what you are experiencing and release the energy. Learn more here.
The Body Code™
The Body Code™ is a system designed by Dr. Bradley Nelson that tests for energetic imbalances in the body and corrects them energetically. We use muscle testing to test for what the underlying imbalance may be, and release the energies from the meridian system. You can learn more about The Emotion Code™ and The Body Code™ here. You can choose to work on any issue you have, whether it is a health challenge, an emotional issue, a lack of abundance or work you love, or a nagging feeling of being on the wrong path.
Everything has energetic underpinnings. Your own subconscious mind is brilliant and will lead us on the right path to clearing (sometimes very surprising) obstacles. Most people feel lighter and clearer, and often there are new outward shifts naturally occurring in their lives. We are clearing the hidden energies that cause the outward effects.
The Body Code™ is a unique approach that focuses on identifying various types of imbalances that may affect well-being. Our licensed practitioner uses this system to help you explore potential imbalances, with the goal of supporting your body's own healing processes. Here's what The Body Code™ addresses:
Circuit or System Imbalances: Involves organs, glands, chakras, disconnections, and meridians.
Toxin Imbalances: Addresses issues related to heavy metals, free radicals, electromagnetic spectrum, chemicals, and microbial factors.
Circuitry Imbalances: Focuses on organs, glands, chakras, disconnections, and meridians.
Pathogen Imbalances: Concerns parasites, fungal, bacterial, viral, and mold elements.
Misalignment Imbalances: Relates to bones, nerves, muscles, connective tissue, as well as organ and gland alignments.
Nutrition or Lifestyle Imbalances: Covers aspects like pH imbalance, foods, herbs, nutrients, dehydration, and magnetic field influences.
The Body Code™ is used as a tool to help identify these imbalances, whether or not symptoms are present. It aims to release potential blockages that might be affecting your well-being.
The Belief Code™
Building on the Emotion and Body Codes, The Belief Code™ focuses on identifying and working with limiting beliefs. It aims to offer a way to understand and potentially reframe the mind's narratives, which can influence thoughts, emotions, and experiences.
This can be used to better understand how limited beliefs shape our thoughts and feelings and gives us an opportunity to explore new ways of seeing things that could bring positive shifts in our lives.
Powerful Discoveries
Our bodies and minds are intricately connected.
The subconscious mind has massive control over our lives and bodies—much more than previously thought.
We can discover what the body needs by asking the subconscious mind using "yes" and "no" questions and muscle testing.
Making changes in the body’s energies can create physical changes.
We can make energetic changes remotely
~ Dr. Bradley Nelson
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The Emotion Code™ & Body Code™
Join our twice-a-month meetings, and you will get the same benefits as one-on-one sessions, with this $47/mo membership. "
Raising your vibration can bring dramatic results!
✔️Increased Joy ✔️Vitality & Health ✔️More Abundance ✔️Better Relationships ✔️And, MUCH More!
Sign Up Here for a free 5 part mini course about Discovering the Heart Wall
What is a Heart Wall?
When we feel emotional pain or distress, our heart can be injured, hurt or broken. Just think of the words 'heartache' or 'heartbreak'. To protect ourselves we put up a 'wall' around our heart. This is built out of the energy of trapped emotions. Unfortunately, the heart wall doesn't dissolve on its own usually, even if we don't need it anymore. So having a heart wall is like living in a bomb shelter. Great for when we need it, but afterwards it can be suffocating and we could feel disconnected, numb, sad or like we are on the inside looking out at life. But the good news is that we can release it! One layer or emotion at a time, and then it's like the sun is shining in, with fresh air.
What does a heart wall look like?
Each person is unique, and the subconscious portrays the 'material' the heart wall is made out of differently. Sometimes they are made out of wood, marble, stones or another building material - and I have also seen heart walls of jelly, marshmallow and silly putty! Sometimes the material has a meaning to the person - "jelly definitely makes me think of my mother, and it's not happy".
They can vary in size as well, from a fraction of an inch to many miles. If we needed more protection, it is bigger. They clear little by little, or sometimes a lot in one session. One person's heart wall was made of white marble, and went from 40 feet to 14 inches in the first session.
What does it feel like?
What has been surprising to me, is the physical changes people are noticing after the heart wall has cleared. I expected the emotional upswing, but I am amazed by many physical changes as well.
one woman had back problems for decades (which I didn't know) and reported it has completely cleared
one person said they are walking more upright, and didn't even realize how hunched and scrunched they had been
someone commented that her whole right side is no longer bothering her
I love this quote. To me, this explains perfectly why Emotion code and Body Code work!
“Like the sun, the inner Self is always shining, but because of negative clouds, we do not experience it. It is not necessary to program oneself with the truth; it is only necessary to remove that which is false. The removal of the clouds from the sky to illuminate the negative allows one to experience the energy fields of that which is positive. It is only the removal of the negative that is necessary-the willingness to let go of the habits of negative thinking. The removal of the obstacles to the experiencing of this will result in an increasing sense of aliveness and a joy of one’s own existence.”
~David R. Hawkins, MD, Ph.D
“I was laid off from my corporate job one year ago and I wasn’t getting interviews. I felt rejected, lost and ungrounded. I was also very depressed and worried about my future. I wasn't sure what to do or which direction to take. I was confused and I felt powerless. I found Robin and I’m so happy I did. She is incredible! Her work has been miraculous for me. After a few sessions, I felt grounded and went from confused to knowing exactly what to do. I am no longer stressed or depressed. I feel confident, charged and more worthy of success. What a HUGE difference this has made in my life. I’m amazed! I can’t thank you enough, Robin.” - Renee L. Portland OR
“I found Robin when I was looking on the internet because my heart did not feel happy and at peace. I had a good life but something was blocking me from fully enjoying it. I felt distance with people around me but I didn’t know why. As soon as we started talking during our first session, I felt more relaxed, more open, more at peace. Even if we did our sessions online it was as powerful as if I was sitting right next to her. We discovered I had a heartwall of cement. After 3 sessions to clear it, I saw a major difference: I was laughing every day, laughing so hard I was crying while I laughed. I was happy for no reason, just driving to work. I felt hopeful and at peace. I’m so thankful for our sessions and my only regret is that it took me so long to find her. She is also helping my son now and I wish everyone knew about this. It has made a huge impact for us and we hope lots of people can benefit from her techniques, intuition and positive, calming energy.”
Johanne L. Montreal, Canada
"When I started the session with you my hips had been feeling very disconnected over the past 2 weeks or so. I'm not sure if it was the work we did on the heart wall or something else but for the next two days I was feeling physically more balanced! The instability in the hips was pretty much gone and I felt like my body was actually more in alignment!
Even though I am totally a 'believer' in energy work I was nonetheless amazed that it actually did something for me! I kept checking to feel if it was real or just my desire to feel different! There was definitely a shift and that disconnected feeling was gone. When I say disconnected is wasn't just a sensation, it was really physical!" ~Aprile, Australia
A tiny change today brings a dramatically different tomorrow.
- Richard Bach
“When I first started out, I felt like there was something inside that was blocking me from sharing and connecting with others. I have tried doing a lot of work on myself to help with what was going on inside of me, but I knew I needed something more to help me move forward. On our very first session that’s when you discovered I had a heart wall! Ever since you did the heart wall clearing, I haven’t felt this wonderful in such a long time! Now I feel so free and more connected with myself. I do the techniques you taught me and I notice everyday how confident and clearer I am than ever.” J.S.
Robin is a natural healer. Her intuition enhances her Emotion Code and Body Code testing. She was able to help me find and release emotions and beliefs that I didn’t realize that I had. She worked with the Abundance Code with me and things have shifted in many ways, not just financial. Her warm, gentle, caring manner easily puts people at ease in helping them find and release trapped emotions. I highly recommend her as an Emotion Code/Body Code/ Abundance Code practitioner. " ~Lorna Minewiser, PhD, Certified Energy Health Practitioner, Certified Emotion Code Practitioner.
How It Works
These sessions will be by zoom or skype, so that we can see each other by camera. After you say what you want to work on, I will ask your subconscious, using muscle testing, and we will find energetic imbalances, and clear them one by one. Sessions usually last an hour and a typical session will clear 3 to 10 imbalances.
Are you interested in becoming an Emotion Code or Body Code practitioner?
If you are interested and use my affiliate link, I will be happy to support you, answer questions, and (unofficially) mentor you in the process. These are my favorite tools!
The Emotion and Body Code™ are so powerful that many of my clients have decided to pursue certification as well. Please note that The Belief Code™ is brand new as of Fall 2023, and an affiliate link will be added in the near future. If you do use my affiliate links below to become a certified Emotion Code or Body Code practitioner, I will help you along the way, and you can have two 30-minute sessions as well. The official training is with Discover Healing, and you’ll have your own mentor as your main contact. There are no prerequisites to signing up for The Emotion Code™ Certification program. Anyone, even without prior knowledge or experience, can sign up and begin the course. You will have six months to complete the course, and your life will be uplifted!